My Shamchat Experiences

My Shamchat Experiences

these are some of my shamchatting experiences, most of them are VERY weird at times

published on October 12, 20156 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Phil lester (me) and dan howell(blind)

Phil Lester: Dan?

dan howell(blind): P-phil ...?

Phil Lester: are you ok?

dan howell(blind): *walks up to you using your voice and hugs you* phil...

Phil Lester: Dan? Are you sure your ok? *hugs back, slightly awkwardly*

dan howell(blind): I uhm you know...i ..didnt the doctor tell you

Phil Lester: Doctor?!........... Who?

dan howell(blind): Dang it, i told them to call you ...thats why you didnt show up

Phil Lester: oh.... uh..... I sort of broke the computer....

dan howell(blind): *giggles* how did that happen?!

Phil Lester: I was playing that dancing game we played once.... with the remote without the wrist thingy.... and I........................ accidently...................... let go of it and it smashed the computer. *guilty* IAmSoSorryDanIDidntMeanTo!

dan howell(blind): Its okay , i wont be able to use it anymore so for me big deal
dan howell(blind): We can buy a new one tho , if you want

Phil Lester: Um... uh... ok then....
Phil Lester: maybe next time I should use the remote with the string... wrist... thing... object

dan howell(blind): *giggles* thats a good idea , how bad does it look?

Phil Lester: It looks like your phone the time you dropped it...

dan howell(blind): *sighs* wow okay...throw it out
dan howell(blind): Theres no saving it anymore

Phil Lester: theres glass slash screen pieces everywhere...... its going to hurt if I try to clean it up...

dan howell(blind): I will go try okay?*smiles*

Phil Lester: NO! don't! your going to hurt yourself if either of us try... your blind you.... stinky bug

dan howell(blind): I ...ugh *sighs* but i want to help *pouts*

Phil Lester: What'd you even do to become blind?

dan howell(blind): I got hit by a car

Phil Lester: WHAT?!?!

dan howell(blind): The rest is fine tho!
dan howell(blind): But i fell ...very very wrong

Phil Lester: Daaaaaaaaannnnnnnn!

dan howell(blind): And yep ...
dan howell(blind): Phiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllll!

Phil Lester: *pouts* You could've called me after you got hit......

dan howell(blind): I tried! It isnt as easy as it sounds , they got me all strapped down and they didnt listen to me

Phil Lester: *continues pouting*

dan howell(blind): Im sorry

Phil Lester: I want my Lion onesie.........

dan howell(blind): Then get it
dan howell(blind): Ill go get it for you ...okay? *smiles*

Phil Lester: but remember we had to cut it up for the challenge I lost? *sad*

dan howell(blind): We can buy a new one?

Phil Lester: Really?!

dan howell(blind): Ofcourse

Phil Lester: :) *extremely happy*
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