Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What is your favourite subject at school?
My favourite is English
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What is your favorite book? (4)
5 / 3
How. Do You Finish Or Eilt A Story On Wapppad ?
On a phone
1 / 1
Plot Ideas Please For This Story!
I'm making a story called Bone Of Wars... I need some help with the plot here is some description ideas.. Ideas/In my Head About- 1* Main Character Is A Girl 2* Earth is going to be ended (not sure about this one) 3* Bones ...
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need cute nickname like lily (lilypad) rose (rosebud, rose petal)
please comment a name with a nickname like the top.
3 / 0
Which Is The Best Thea Sister ?
Is It Nicky , Colette , Violet , Paulina Or Pamela ?
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Have You Read Eragon?
Have you? Did you like it? Who was your favourite character?
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Has Anyone Read The Leven Thumps Series?
It's a really good series and i was just wondering if anyone else has read it... the author is Obert Skye
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Any Fanboys Out There?
So, as all fangirls know, fanboys are an endangered species... just looking for some to be friends with :) (i was so proud of myself when i got my friends Grant and Ethan to start reading PJO- fanboys in the making!)
5 / 0
If you could be any Warrior Cat, who would it be?
For Warrior Fans, so what Warrior would you be? I don't think I can pick, this will be tough...
8 / 0
cinderella doubt
according to the tale her dress, chariot and everything else will turn back into wat it was. but why didn't the glass slipper turn into its original form?it even reached its true owner after a lot of checking. i am sure the clo...
2 / 0
What type of AU's would you like to see?
So, for stars and Gods, we were wondering what AU's you'd like!
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What was the first creepypasta?
3 / 2
How can I get better at writing?
I dunno.. I don't really like my writing to be honest xD I don't feel that I'm descriptive enough, are there any tips on getting better at writing stories and stuff?
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What is your favorite book genre?
I just want to know what genre is your favorite. Mine is horror.
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What's something you want to read about?
It's been a while since I've been on here, but I'd love to get back into the writing game again! And what I'd like to know is what y'all find interesting to read that isn't fandom related. I need some input because if I write, ...
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New Story Ideas?
I am into games, daily lives, other things like that.
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What is the book that made you cry?
I remember when I read a novel that made me cry, with no music and other effects, just reading the words and it broke my heart and made me cry. I never thought books can get this close to my heart. What about you? Any book that...
8 / 4
What should name book (read description please)?
Am writing a story on watt pad, and needs help deciding a name. Basically, it's about this guy who was the rightful heir to the throne of the vampires, but didn't know. One day, he wanders into the vampire castle, and meets 6 ...
2 / 0
Will anyone please read Escape?
I stayed up half the night writing it and I've only got the one read. Please. I only write stories to watch people enjoy them and follow the characters through there life. So please I'm asking...
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