Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
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Travel and Places
Amazing Names...
I'm looking for cool names for a story of mine but can't think of any. Can you help me out?
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what is your favorite Rainbow magic fairy?
8?jakskjfs; ciocfkcafjgaklgdfdgfmhvmlgdfgacrmegru
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Which are you most likely to read?
Clown hunting which is a horror/romance or Teen life of a Goddess which is a romance
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If you can live in one fandom which will it be?
So you can bring one fandom universe to life and live as a character in that universe, what fandom do you choose? (Warriorcats)
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If you could be any Harry potter character, who would you be? (Teachers too)
A Harry Potter question! Also did you know, every 30 seconds some one starts reading the Harry Potter!?
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What are the important facts On "To Kill A Mockingbird"?
We have this project in class, about the book, "To Kill A Mockingbird" and, My partner and I don't have the book, and, we need an expert to spoil everything. Chapter for chapter. Please help us! (Cheat...) The specifics we are ...
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Is the Ravenclaw Mascot a Raven or an Eagle?
Is the Ravenclaw Mascot a Raven or an Eagle? Some people say it's a raven, but some say it's an eagle! What do you think?
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What kind of manga do you like to read?
Do you like shoujo, shounen? Yaoi or yuri? What about art styles? Do you like pretty, bishie-like art or serious, muted art in a manga? Say it below!
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What are your Pottermore stats?
Pottermore is pretty much the digital heart of J.K Rowling's Wizarding World. If you're a Harry Potter fan, then I recommend you check the site out, it's pretty cool. If you already have, then great! And for those who have, wh...
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Is fawkes a horcrux?
I have heard sooo many rumours that he is but i dont really believe it but could he be?
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What is the best book you have ever read?
What is the best book, or book series you have ever read? Why?
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Do you believe in Mythical Creatures?
Do you believe in magical/fantastic/mythical creatures? Why or why not?
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Where, in London, was Tom Riddle's diary from?
Hmmm a mystery needed too be solved...
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Have you ever read THE GIVER by Lois Lowrey?
pretty self explanatory. Pic is actually on the copy IM HOLDING RIGHT NOW
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Any good book recommendations?
something along the lines of Biography Fantasy Sci-fi Horror Action
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What do you wish there were more books about?
I'm writing a story, but I don't know what the main problem should be. What do you want me to write about? What kinds of things do you want books to be about?
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If you could save ONE fictional character who would it be (from HP)
So this one is for Harry Potter characters
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What songs fit the BOOK Ender's Game?
Not the movie, the book. I actually can't think of any so..
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If Percy Jackson and annabeth really fell into Tartarus can't they just go to hade's palace?
I'm sorry if this is wrong but can't they just follow the rivers and walk to hade's palace and tell nico to shadow travel them out?
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What Do You Think Makes A Good Slave In Flower Skies?
since I am the creator of flower skies, i know what makes a goo one. but what do you think?
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