Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Have you done the ice bucket challenge yet?
The ice bucket challenge is when you get nominated to have someone pour at least 1 bucket of FREEZING cold water over you, then you nominate people to do it, and give them 24 hours, including recording it, and uploading it to a...
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Why is it always like this?
When people are "sexist" it's always boys making fun of girls, then girls do the same thing to boys and it's "standing up for yourself"? And only caucasian people can be "racist" but people of other races are just "standing up ...
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Does anyone else love the rain?
It's pouring outside right now, which is very rare here in California. Rain is my favorite kind of weather. Is yours?
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First Day of High School Tips?
Well, on September 2nd, I'm leaving my tiny, conservative, private middle school and going off to a big public high school. I'm so so so excited but of course I'm just as nervous... I don't know what to do at all 0_0 Really, it...
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why do we wear cloths?
Ever since we existed, we have worn clothing. From shirts and pants, to animal fur. Why do we do this? Also why do we feel embarrassed when we don't?
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What's your opinion on Emo?
Honestly, I don't believe in the word emo but I am considered to be it. I like Black and purple, love rock music, wear skinny jeans all the time, love the guys with the black flippy hair<3, studded belts are cool on some, but s...
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How To Earn Money Fast
Hey everyone! I really need to know how I can get money fast! I really need to get something as soon as possible. And when you post your answers just remember that I'm only 13 so I can't get a job or anything like that. Please ...
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Should humans be taking inspirations from animals .
Human is the most intelligent creature in the animal kingdom but not the best in any other category such as speed strength , speed etc. So wanna know your thoughts on humanity taking inspirations from the animal world .
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So... I don't know how to say this... But, I think I'm becoming depressed. I feel like I'm helping everyone else, and then forgetting about myself. Then whenever I try to help, something bad happens, and I blame it all on mysel...
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How do I get back out into the world?
I've had setbacks in life that kept me from going through life as I planned. I now have a job I enjoy, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I would really like to find new people to be friends with that have similar interest...
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How Do You Deal With Depression?
Lately, after my boyfriend and I broke up. I've been having trouble sleeping at night, I cry and I get headache. Maybe I'm overthinking? But I was always scared to lose him, and now it took a really BIG affect on me. Help!
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Why is the internet is addicted?!
Everyone, why I always stay on my computer. I feel....different....
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what is you favorite anything in the world??
Do you think WW3 will breakout?
Chances of once again another major war occuring
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Isn't it easy to talk to people on text or email instead of talking in real life?
I find it easy to just chat online instead of talking to the person in real life.
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Just curious - what is the meaning of life?
What do u think is the meaning of life? And don't say 42 lol :P
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Whats the weirdest thing you've ever done?