Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What is your favorite qfeast smiley face?
You can chose smiley faces on qfeast, which is your favorite?
14 / 0
who is better monster high or ever after high
Do you think monster high is better or ever after high is better.
11 / 11
who is the cutest couple at ever after high?
5 / 6
who is your favorite ever after high chapter
7 / 2
who is the best couple from monster high
Hi people
7 / 7
how do i get her back?
Me and my friend were fighting over if we should trust this girl or not and she said I was shoving words down her mouth and now she blocked me...I don't know what to do...I known her for so long. :(
3 / 0
Why did you choose your username?
48 / 4
What do you want for christmas? (2)
I really want some plushies of sonic,tails,knuckles,amy and shadow :3 and maybe shoes What about YOU?
12 / 10
Wha Do You Want For Christmas 2014-2015
Hey, christmas coming so i made this question because i am so excited to see what do you want for christmas 2014-2015
9 / 4
I have a Problem
For some reason I can't post stuff anymore on my profile or anyone else's has anybody else had this problem before and if so how do I fix it?
1 / 0
Does this ever happen to anyone else?!?
I always want to make quizzes or other stuff(mainly quizzes) but it's so frustrating because when I'm almost done or done I always do save draft(sometimes this happens when I do save and next) but when I click on it, it goes to...
2 / 2
I need your help
I need your help! If you bealeve in ghost then listen, if you don't, then you better stop reading this and do something else. I need your suggestion, I saw a ghost, it was no mistak. I saw it, a girl with long black hair and a ...
10 / 5
who on qfeast has the most follwers?
im trying to see on qfeast who has the most follwers.
5 / 4
Can you delete a conversation?
I've only just confirmed my email address so I'm not very good at the pm things.
2 / 6
I can't edit my quiz!
I made a quiz and one of the questions is did you have fun. I accidentally made the correct answer no, but I want it to be yes. Then, to make matters worse, I deleted it from my wall. Now I can't edit it urgent! P.S- if u answ...
3 / 2
How do I get rid of fleas for good?
When we found jack he was a feral kitten and abandoned by his mother who only raised one litter before his and she abandoned him at a young age and when we got him after a few weeks we gave him some flea pills and crunched them...
2 / 2
How do U subscribe?
Ok, I know lots of U subscribed to pages and I want to, too. Help me out here!
3 / 0
why do can't kids do anything that grown ups can do?
for example many kids can't have money or i pads...
11 / 16
Do I have a problem?
whenever somebody annoys me I start getting real mad inside and then I clench my fists and I start to fight them, like for example if somebody doesn't listen to my rules for my house, just because my mom is the "real owner" and...
5 / 0