Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Do you think that the death penalty is OK? Why or why not?
Do you think that the death penalty is OK? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete your comments/answers. Thanks!
8 / 8
Do you think that it's OK for animals to be used as guinea pigs for experiments on products, etc.?
Do you think that it's OK for animals to be used as guinea pigs for experiments on products, etc.? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete y...
6 / 9
Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not?
Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete your comments/answers. Thanks!
69 / 258
What are you advices on moving? (Specially with a cat?)
I'm moving to New Jersey/New York soon, and is there any advice out there for this?
3 / 1
what is your favorite letter?
8 / 0
What is considered junk food?
What is junk food? Why McDonald is? They are edible?
3 / 1
Have u had any weird dreams?
I was just wandering, hav you guys had any weird dreams? I had one last week which was just messed up. So, I went to school with no pants on, and a girl lent me some. We went to after school care, and did a history test. Someho...
2 / 0
what language would be cool to learn?
I already know 6 different languages..I want to learn more but I don't know which one would be cool. do you know a language that's cool. I know Portuguese, French, Spanish, Latin, English of course and Irish.
5 / 1
Do you get annoyed when...?
When people read your stories but suddenly stop when you've been slaving over it? When they forget or purposely decline to comment and you don't know if the majority of your readers like it? Well, do you?
5 / 4
What's Your Favorite Thing to do on Qfeast?
Do you like making quizzes, reading stories, talking to others? Let me know!
8 / 15
What hairstyles do you like?
6 / 1
Can someone help me remake my cp Blind Matter? ;;
Blind-chan needs a lot of love to remake her xc Can anyone help me redesign her plez? Wow o-o Her clothes need changed, hair, EVERYTHING So ;; - ;;
1 / 0
What do you feel when you enter someones meanlist ?
When someone enters your meanlist what do you feel ?
How Many Qfeasters Are You Following?
I'm following 51.
16 / 6
how old were you when you got your first girlfriend/boyfriend?
im just wondering
9 / 2
Who is your favourite actor
Who is your favourite Actor
2 / 0
Why don't I have anything to create anymore
I don't know
2 / 0
How do you become Qfeastie of the day
How do you become Qfeastie of the day I don't know and I think it would help other people as well
1 / 0
Should dork diaries ever end?
7 / 1