Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What is the point of love?
Why do people fall in love? How?
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How to kiss a guy well your boyfriend. How do I kiss MY boyfriend?
How do I kiss my boyfriend I want to kiss him badly!
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What should you do if you are kissed by a boy?  Also what if it is not your boyfriend?
I was just wondering this cause I have never kissed a boy so...Yeah...
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How would you describe "The perfect person"?
As long as they're nerdy, they're ok in my book.
2 / 0
Not sure if this is a crush or true love?
I go to school with this guy & I have liked him since middle school. He is a junior & I am a senior. He has always had a girlfriend, so I could never try to get with him. But, about two years ago he broke up with a girl from mi...
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How do I break up with someone I don't want to break up with?
How do I break up with someone I really love. I don't want to and neither does he. But one of us has to break up with one another. He's moving and we both know were gonna have to break up we don't get the choice not to, but wha...
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What's your opinion on online dating?
I personally find unreliable and stupid.
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How old were you when you had your first gf or bf?
How would you describe your ideal man (girls only)?
Ladies, discribe your ideal lover. His Name: Age: Looks: Body type: Personally:
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How would you describe your ideal woman (guys only)?
Boys, discribe your ideal woman her Name: Age: Looks: Body type: Personally:
11 / 9
What is the best type of romance?
What is the best type of romance, in your opinion. Any type of romance.
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If you had to choose between your birth and raising families what would you choose?
You have no memory of your birth family, except for what you made after meeting them for the "first" time and they all tell you about how much they missed you. You also have the family that raised you, your "adopted father" kil...
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Boys what do you think a girl likes, and girls what do you think a boy likes?
What do you think attracts the opposite sex?
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Does he like me? (8)
So I started to talk with my crush today at school but he keeps smiling at me. The last few times I've seen him he smiles at me, my friends say he likes me but I'm not sure. He looks at me and doesn't stop for at least 1 minute...
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Does this make you say aw?
This cute little idk is super cute. Aww!
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What is the right age to fall in love or something like that?
Just wanna know .Please help.
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boy problem (1)
well i have this crush at school and i might be meeting him tomorrow at 2nd lunch tomorrow and he knows that i do have a crush on him but he doesnt know that i really absolutley love him and he does not know because he has a gi...
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Have you ever reported someone on qfeast?
I haven't I just wanted to know if anyone has. If so why?
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Will my friend's relationship last?
She barely even lets him talk to other girls, even though I've known him for 5 years and she's known him for 2 at the most. She also gets mad if we mess with him. She is never away from him and is always hugging or kissing him....
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