Dang, it really has been a while. I can't believe all of the cringy stuff I have still on here from suuuuch a long time ago
on April 07, 2020

Mcdazzle2000 added a new chapter to The Reign of the Pirate Queen
Battle at Sea
Aaaand onto Chapter 3! When we left off, the Pirate Queen and her crew had just engaged in battle with the fearsome Royal Adrenian Navy, and had landed the first blow to the enemy ship. Leo — poor, poor Leo — had just seen his friend and definitely possible lover being dragged away, sobbing. Reginald was still beat up, and the two of them were being taken to the cell in the captain's quarters. Let's see what happens next... (and prepare for some new characters!)
Although the first volle... Read Full Chapter
Although the first volle... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2018

Mcdazzle2000 added a new chapter to The Lonely Vampiress

Chapter 5
The picture's of a new character you'll discover in the chapter ;)
Nissa took Ayden back to his cell a few hours later before leaving to go find Sebastian and Scarlett. She found them sitting in a parlor in the right wing of the mansion, playing a card game. She paused by the entryway, observing them. Laughter poured into the hall, and their smiles lit the dark, dreary mansion. Nissa watched them for a while, until Scarlett looked up and spotted her. Her wide smile faded in an instant, ... Read Full Chapter
Nissa took Ayden back to his cell a few hours later before leaving to go find Sebastian and Scarlett. She found them sitting in a parlor in the right wing of the mansion, playing a card game. She paused by the entryway, observing them. Laughter poured into the hall, and their smiles lit the dark, dreary mansion. Nissa watched them for a while, until Scarlett looked up and spotted her. Her wide smile faded in an instant, ... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2018

Mcdazzle2000 added a new chapter to The Lonely Vampiress

Chapter 4
The picture is of the young hunter, Ayden
Nissa led the young hunter out the door, and into the hallway beyond. She didn't look at him as she spoke. "Come. We have someone to see before we talk." He followed her in silence. She set off down the hallway, and in less than a minute was standing beside the door to Sebastian and Scarlett's room. Opening it, she motioned for Ayden to follow her.
As soon as he was through the door, his eyes shot to where the small family was sitting on the be... Read Full Chapter
Nissa led the young hunter out the door, and into the hallway beyond. She didn't look at him as she spoke. "Come. We have someone to see before we talk." He followed her in silence. She set off down the hallway, and in less than a minute was standing beside the door to Sebastian and Scarlett's room. Opening it, she motioned for Ayden to follow her.
As soon as he was through the door, his eyes shot to where the small family was sitting on the be... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2018

I just started writing a historical fiction about pirates. If anyone's interested, pm me
on April 26, 2018

Mcdazzle2000 added a new chapter to The Lonely Vampiress

Chapter 3
The picture is Nissa :)
Nissa was by the front door in an instant, looking out the nearby window. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but it was dusk, and her eyes could see far better than a human’s could in this light. One car approached, an SUV of sorts, with tinted windows. It was only big enough to hold maybe six men, and she laughed softly to herself. They clearly didn’t know who they were dealing with.
The men stepped out of the SUV, and her assumption was confirmed. There were six men, a... Read Full Chapter
Nissa was by the front door in an instant, looking out the nearby window. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but it was dusk, and her eyes could see far better than a human’s could in this light. One car approached, an SUV of sorts, with tinted windows. It was only big enough to hold maybe six men, and she laughed softly to herself. They clearly didn’t know who they were dealing with.
The men stepped out of the SUV, and her assumption was confirmed. There were six men, a... Read Full Chapter
on October 08, 2017

Quick update: I've been doing homework lately because I'm taking AP Calculus BC and AP Literature and Composition, as well as a few other hard classes. I haven't been writing much but lately I started a new story. It's about vampires and if you like that stuff, you can check it out on my Watt pad account, under the same username (McDazzle2000)

I'm currently rewriting that story at the moment, so when I'm done the rewriting process it will be posted on here too.
on October 07, 2017
on October 07, 2017

Lol sorry I've been gone so long guys. :)
on January 25, 2017

How is everybody?

Had so much homework I haven't been on lately, but I guess that's on me for taking so many AP classes... xD
on October 08, 2016
on October 08, 2016

Wow... I just realized I've been on here for almost four years.... :-O I'm old... :P lol

The only people I know that have been on longer than me is @Acacia_The_Goddess and @Thehost. Host has been on for probably close to five years by now, and Acacia started just a few months before me. :P
on September 03, 2016
on September 03, 2016

That moment when you're in a timed test and realize you're half way through the time but still on the fifth question.
on May 09, 2016