Mcdazzle2000's Questions
Mcdazzle2000 asked 14 questions
Was/is high school different than expected? Was/is your high school experience differen...
What are the best names to use in stories? Girl names, boy names, I wanna know everythi...
What should I change in Dragon Princess? What edits should I make? What do you guys lik...

What language(s) do you speak? I speak Spanish and English

Who's your favorite poet?

What's your favorite play of Shakespeare's? Favorite poem? Just wondering... :)

Should I Continue Posting Dragon Princess Even If It's Gonna Be Published? Okay, so I'm...

Who is your favorite qfeaster?

What is your opinion on Greeks and Romans: A Medieval Journey? Do you like Greeks and R...
I have a friend, should I publish her story on qfeast? I don't know if she wants me to ...
What is the best TV show? What is your favorite TV show?

Riddle (read description) Unseen but heard, untouched but felt. Relief from the sun, a ...

How do you take a screenshot on a mac? I have always wondered how to do that... :D