Project DnP

Project DnP

Pudd: The Fighter who wants to start a new path for himself. He swears to be the best in the world. Damai : Pudd's best friend or "Bro". He's a former fighter as well who wants to start a new life. He a bit of a ladies man and blames Pudd when he doesn't have charm. Not much is known about Dami's skill compared to Pudd's. Yet. When they first get into District's 3 "Burning Flame" school. Their lives from the past and old mix together thanks to Cynthia and Nieya. What awaits them?

published on May 18, 201451 reads 12 readers 16 not completed
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Chapter 11.
The Party(Part 4)

The Party(Part 4)

Neiya takes out the bottle from Cynthia who ask "Neiya isn't this a bit silly for something so serious?". "It's part of the plan. Something as fun a Truth or Dare isn't going lead on as us inspecting him. He won't know" Neiya responds laughing at Cynthia's comment. Cynthia scratches her head. "What?" Neiya says with an annoyed look. Cynthia says "You don't think he can't tell interview questions from a truth or dare game?". "Just follow my lead sis" Neiya says. The two come out of the private room as Neiya puts the bottle up in the air and shouts "TRUTH OR DARE!?". Everyone gets excited and forms a circle. "Wow this is alot of people" Neiya notices. Cynthia "Crap Neiya never thinks this through does she?" Cynthia takes it upon herself to start three games of spin the bottle. "Alright everyone! there's to many people here! So let's start 3 games up! Right here is Neiya's section! Up stars is Nate's section! *points to stairs". And...uhh....*confused face*.....I guess my section *rips off into bathing outfit and points to the pool outside is my section! Spin the bottle in the pool!". "Nice thinking Cynthia" Neiya thinks to herself. Everyone goes to the section that they desire. The entire Football team went to Nate's section. Neiya section is filled with Damai's fangirls and Cynthia section  are the nerds mixed in with the popular people. "Oh I want to go first!" "No ME!""MY FIRST! I WANNA DARE DAMAI!" the girls say as they reach for the bottle. Neiya grabs the bottle and says "My idea I'm first!". "I just hope I land on Damai..." Neiya speaking to herself. Neiya spins the bottle with lots of force as it spins in a complete circle 3 times. "C'mon Damai.....". The bottle stops spinning and lands on the housemaid.

Neiya: THE MAID!?
Maid: That's right. I'm playing too!
Neiya: *facepalms* Truth or Dare
Maid: DARE!
Neiya: I dare you to give me a re-spin
Maid: Wha...what!? You can't do that!
Neiya: I just did!

The bottle spins once again and this time it lands on Damai. Damai stretches his arm out and raises his middle and index finger forming to peace sign. "Hehe Babe I chose DARE!". The girls all say "What a brave boy!". Neiya face gets serious. "My dare for you is. Dodge this boomerang". Neiya thinks to herself "This isn't a normal boomerang either. I used this as the Mask Girl hehe.". The girls spread out. Damai just stands there non nonchalant. Neiya throws the boomerang and catches it as it was nothing. "Hmph to easy!" Damai says as he confidently smile. Neiya examine his hands...."He even dodge the spikes. Here I was hoping that you wasn't special. This got interesting.". Damai walks over and give Neiya the boomerang and go sit back down. Damai crosses his arms and think "I bet Pudd doesn't have to deal with this crap dating Cynthia. That damn thing had spikes".  Over at Nate section instead of playing spin the bottle the team is asking Nate why he hates Pudd so much. "It's none of your concern. I'm going downstairs. I need to check my grandparent's house." Nate says calmly. Seun attempts to block the door. "You pay us to keep Pudd disappearing a secret! Well I can't take it! You're going to tell us the truth NOW!". Nate punches Seun in the face, knees him in the face and throws him out against the wall which breaks part of the wall. "Move Fatass" Nate says. "I'm going do what I have to do". Seun mutters "'s only ....because Cynthia.... likes Pudd over you... ". Nate hears this and as he going down the step gets an evil smirk.  Cynthia's section had Tatsu daring Cynthia to jump into the poll from top of the house.

"Are you guys ready" Cynthia screams with a huge smile. Looking down at the boy she remembers when Pudd took her swimming. *Flashback*
Pudd: Huh you scared to jump?
Cynthia: Ye...yes. I never jumped from a diving board this high and wide before.
Pudd: Are you kidding!? Here I'll help you. *Wraps arm around Cynthia's waist". Ok we'll jump together.
Cynthia: *blushes*.
Pudd: On a count of three!
Cynthia: Wait!
Pudd: Huh?
Cynthia: It's just you never held me this close or showed me this side of you. Damai always talk about how fun you are. Neiya said she even seen it. But with me you always serious. It's only funny when you....
Pudd takes Cynthia and Jumps off the diving board cutting her off. "Sorry! 3 seconds past! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Pudd screams. "Ahhhh" Cynthia yells. The duo lands in the water making a huge splash. They come up from underneath the water.

Cynthia: Don't scare let that you jerk *Throws water*
Pudd: Ahh! Hey!  You wanna water fight huh? *Throws water back*

*Flashback ends*

Cynthia sighs. "Where could he be?". Cynthia jumps over and screams "YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and lands into the pool creating a splash. "Ok my turn to spin the bottle in the pool" Cynthia screams! Back over Neiya. Damai face seemed to be more annoyed and angry. Neiya spins the bottle again and it lands on Damai. "Ok Neiya. I'm tired of this. Something is off about these dares and truths you're making me doing. What the hell are you up to? Damai screams. Neiya in panic mood tells Damai "It's nothing...I'm just seeing're what you say you are.". Damai takes the bottle and throws on the ground breaking the bottle. "I told you everything I want you to know! What do you keep questioning me!" Damai screams as he runs into the living room where Nate is.  Damai gives Nate the evil eye. "Great more trouble" Damai says. Nate gets up with the folder in his hands. "I need to talk to you about something.".

Damai: *Gets in fighting stance* What will that be?
Nate:  Read this information*Throws folder into Damai's hand*

Damai reads the information as his eyes grows bigger, sweat comes down his face, and his mouth is open from shock. "How the hell you know this!?" Damai says angerly. Nate smiles and says "One can argue that "We will find you" at your house front sidewalk is a big give-away. But it's none of your business how I know everything. You cause danger to this district. GET OUT". Damai throws the folder in Nate's face. "Where is Pudd(Reminder folks they're not brothers)!?".  Nate gets cocky and says "I mean him run like a little girl earlier. By now he probably caught by the gang " Nate laughs at this.  Damai punches Nate in the face and gets on top of him and raise his fist in the air. Neiya comes in and grabs Damai in which Damai turns around and see Neiya's concern face. Damai gets off of Nate and tells Neiya "I don't want to do this to you. But forget about me forever.".  Damai hands Neiya her dress heels and storms off in a hurry and thinks to him "I can't think of that day! I Can't think of that day!".

Back at the party Neiya looks at Nate with a disgusted look. She kicks him in the face knocking him out cool. Everyone in the house including the Football team sees and or hears this. Neiya turns around and tell everyone "party over. Get out now." . Everyone hurries out in fear of Neiya. Neiya goes out to the pool to tell everyone to leave. "Except Cynthia and Tatsu everyone get out.". As requested the entire party is over and everyone leaves. In confusion Tatsu ask "Why do I have to stay?". Neiya shows him the folder. "You're the smartest person in this district. I need you're help. Meet me at my house tomorrow. ". Cynthia starts tearing up and arms twitches. "This about Pudd isn't it?". Neiya shakes her head "And Damai too".  Tatsu confused on the matter tries to walk away. "Hey can nerd boy keep a secret? " Neiya says. Cynthia shakes her head "Yes. And if he runs away. He won't make it home.". Tatsu gets nervous. "OK OK! I'll be there tomorrow".

"Don't come to school either" Neiya says. "We need to do this before the Football game". Cynthia suggest everyone staying over Neiya's house. Neiya agrees. Tatsu wonders "But isn't your parents....not going allow a boy over?". Neiya smiles "Don't worry my parents are most likely dead.". Tatsu in shock and say "Wait what!?"
Cynthia replies "We'll tell you before bed. "

End of Chapter 11.

Author: Please comment. What do you guys think of Nate? How y'all feel about Tatsu? Can I write a good bad guy or what?  That flashback of the pool incident with Pudd and Cynthia was based on something that happen to me in real life.
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Comments (16)

woo this is huge you like writing right?
@Quincy Yes I do.
@TheGmGoken So do i
on November 06, 2014
on November 01, 2014
on October 04, 2014
O god! This is getting so epic!!!! I just can't wait for the next chapter!!!!DX I'm jumping up and down on my seat!!!
@SwiftElementTheDarkWolf Nice to see you excited xD. I think the story improved greatly in terms of writing? What you think?
on July 27, 2014
on July 05, 2014
This is sick bro! :)
~RyuuseiBlizzard from youtube
on June 08, 2014
Asome cool good intreasting!
@Matlen Thanks! What you think of the recent chapters?
on July 27, 2014
on June 05, 2014
What's going to happen next?!?! I need to know!!!!!
on May 28, 2014
i liked ur story
on May 20, 2014
Awesome! Can't wait for chapter 4! The story is getting so exciting
on May 19, 2014
That's parabolic old profile picture, good story bw
on May 19, 2014
its pretty good!! continue!
its really good!!! Omg!!! please continue!!!
on July 27, 2014
@MEGS0316 Thanks! I did. ALOT! What you think of the recent chapters?
on July 27, 2014
on May 19, 2014
Love the story! Can't wait for chapter 3!
on May 18, 2014