Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What conditions or issues can holistic abdominal therapy help with?
Holistic abdominal therapy can assist with a wide range of conditions, including digestive disorders (e.g., constipation, bloating), menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, and pelvic pain. It can also promote emotional and...
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What scares you the most?
what scares me: Salad fingers, smoking ads, happy tree friends, and 1,000 ways to die
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what would you add into a virtual sensory room?
What types of Kurlon mattresses are available in Chennai?
Mattress in Chennai usually stocks various types of Kurlon mattresses, including memory foam, spring, coir, and orthopedic mattresses. This variety ensures customers can choose a mattress that suits their specific sleep prefere...
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Biggest pet peeve?
I'm curious. Mine is when people use all caps, ..., or - in a serious conversation or argument
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Where should a tourist go in the USA?
Are there any guys here who are experienced in the sights and beautiful cities in the USA?
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Writing personal statement
I'm applying to graduate school and I need some advice on writing personal statement. What are the key components I should include? How long should it be? Any tips on making it stand out?
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Favorite horror game developer?
I'm curious, mine is either Puppet Combo or Chilla's art
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How can womb massage benefit women's health and fertility?
Womb massage is a specialized holistic technique offered by Fullblue Fertility that focuses on promoting reproductive wellness and addressing various women's health concerns by targeting the abdominal and pelvic areas.
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What is considered the best mattress in Chennai?
The best mattress in Chennai varies depending on individual preferences. However, MattressZone offers a wide range of high-quality mattresses to cater to different sleep needs.
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whos your video game crush?
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How does Pregnancy Abdominal Therapy differ from regular massage?
Pregnancy Abdominal Therapy is tailored specifically for the needs of pregnant individuals. It takes into account the physical changes and challenges that occur during pregnancy, such as a growing belly, shifting organs, and ho...
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How does the spring system in the Duroflex Evoke Spring Mattress work?
The spring system in the Duroflex Evoke Spring Mattress consists of individually encased pocket springs. These springs work independently to respond to your body's movements, offering personalized support and minimizing motion ...
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How do I speak to someone at Avianca? (1)
If a passenger need no know about how to get in touch with Avianca customer service then what you need to do is just go through the given ways in our blog and by reading the given methods one can easily connect with a live agen...
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Does anyone know FNaF Aftons?
I'm so lonely I need to reach out more- if you know them, I wanna be friends :D xD
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Why are we starting to see less fireflies?
My mom's bf made a good observation, about how in some places, we are starting to see less and less fireflies than how we used to... so why's that?..
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Play as a form of entertainment
Do you think it's normal that when I want to relax, I start playing games?
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Does anyone here know Kotlc?
keeper of the lost cities
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what is your most controversial opinion?
What's ur fav sport?
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