Arts and Humanities
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Travel and Places
Figure out this riddle!
how do you make seven an even number
8 / 0
I know you have heard it before but which can first chicken egg or something else
Explain why you think that and PLEASE no random answers like cupcakes or pie.
4 / 0
What kind of tea is hard to swallow?
Can you solve these 8 riddles?
1. The more of me the less you see. What am I? 2. A boy fell off of a 100 foot ladder with no pillows at the bottom and did not get hurt. How? 3. A man comes to you 5 times in a day and asks what time it is. What do you tell hi...
8 / 0
Can you solve this riddle? (2)
Soft and cuddly I warm your heart, but take my last name and I tear you apart. What am I?
6 / 0
Try to solve this riddle! (2)
Johnny's mother has five kids. Their names are April, May, June, and July. What is the fifth's kids name?
22 / 0
Try to solve this riddle! (1)
What has no beginning, middle, or end but touches every continent?
11 / 1
Try to solve this riddle!
I have four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the night. What am I?
11 / 0
What comes first?
Answer this impossible question! Does an egg come first? No one knows coz where did the egg come from and where did the chicken come from? Think about it.
12 / 1
A riddle for you to answer!
Ok, three people died. When they came back as spirits they said a girl with glasses and a pony tail killed them. Jonathan said " I was at the football stadium watching West Ham lose to Manchester United 5-0 " Amy said " I was j...
6 / 0
Can you figure out this riddle?
Two mothers and two daughters are at a coffee shop. each orders a smoothie. The waiter brings three smoothies, yet everyone got their own smoothie. Nobody shared. How is that possible? Can you figure it out?
10 / 4
what belongs to you but other people use it more than you?
What does this riddle mean?
There are two girls. They have the same birthday, the same mom, and look the same. But they are not twins. How? First person to get it right will get a new follower (unless I'm already following them).
7 / 0
A COLLECTION of Riddles!!!
1. As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Each wife had seven sacks; Each sack had seven cats; Each cat had seven kittens. Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were going to St Ives? 2. Which is heavier, a ...
12 / 0
An Easy Riddle!
It might seem hard but it's not. Who can jump higher than mount everest?
14 / 16
Another Riddle For You Qfeasters!
Two girls have the same birthdate; in the same year; they are the same age; and have the same mother. However, they are not twins. How is this possible?
22 / 34
Can You Solve This Riddle??
A Woman has a family: Her husband and six sons. Each son has a sister. How many are there in the family altogether, including the parents?
9 / 2
A ridldle that looks easy but it's not! (Okay, pretty easy, actually)
What's 1+1? P.S It's NOT 2!
18 / 1
Riddles: a bird that stays dry
The part of the bird that is not in the sky, which can swim in the ocean and always stay dry. What is it?
10 / 3