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I need help (4)
Okay I like this girl who's going to be in my school. And I like her. We've know each other since we were 7. But I'm friends with her cousin. And I don't know how he'll take it if we start dating.
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Do you except me for being gay/lesbian..?
13 / 5
Is there anybody put there for me to date
Girls only!
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Girlfriend applications
I saw one of these and was like what the heck I'm lonely so why not make one. Under 14 and girls only.
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Boyfriend applications
I saw one on girlfriend so why not boyfrined I need a boyfriend. Rei is ugly . By way I look this
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Why do I look so beautiful?
I'm not trying to flex but I look too cute and attract too much attention. What do you guys think
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Who knows what I did to keep my girlfriend from talking to me?
So like two weeks ago at lunch my friends were saying things about us and my girlfriend is blaming me, why?
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Can anyone help me?
My girlfriend hasn't been talking to me for a couple days and I need some help.
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Do you think I told my crush I liked her?
What love one that you miss a lot. That a loved one passed away?
Tell me about your loved one that passed away. What Loved one do you miss. I miss my grandma
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Crushes are clueless
So, my crush is freaking dumb. I have left subtle obvious clues that I like him and he hasn’t gotten it yet. What do I do? Btw here’s a pic of my celeb crush.
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I need advice (1)
So my boyfriend tells me he loves me then he goes and calls my ex, babe. He told me it happened before he and I got together but had happened yesterday. What do I do?
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Cute pet names for my girlfriend?
My girlfriend calls me kitten but I have no idea what to call her. I need a cute pet name that’s not like super cringe.
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Whats your favorite thing about yourself?
Don’t forget to star!
6 / 7
i told my friend i liked her was it the right thing to do?
she said she liked me back but she goes out with someone but wants to go out with me have i done the wrong thing telling her?
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How do i tell my best friend I like them?
how do you get over an ex?
i broke up with my gf about three weeks ago and still like what do i do
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what if you could meet black butler characters?
what if you got sucked into black butler only to be a guy and to be flirted with by sebastian and undertaker/and claude / and william t spears /basically all the dudes flirt with you but your a guy not a girl
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what creepypasta boy is your fav and why?
A. eyeless jack B. bloody painter c.jeff the killer d.the puppeteer e. ticci toby
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