Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
which movie is the best hunger games or twilight or harry potter?
tell me which is the best
20 / 12
What kind of jewels do yo like?
I love jewels, they look wonderful on women ;)
5 / 1
Have you taken the Harry Potter romantic life quiz? If so then what do you think?
I want to know what you think if you have taken this quiz and if you have taken the quiz. I recommend it
3 / 3
What would you do to help somebody?
Help others even if you don't know them, it doesn't matter if that person if your enemy or not. Just help people and you will feel peace in your heart.
4 / 0
dose anyone here love rats
I LOVE RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iv got 2 pet rats called mushroom and spot. i think rats are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute and i wondering how many other pepole like them so a thaught i will ask!!!! please tell me in the coment...
12 / 6
What would you do if you have to take care of your evil cousins?
I hate my cousins they're so annoying
8 / 0
Do you love butterflies?
I love butterflies
4 / 1
One with the Way
Is anyone on qfeast a taoist? Im one, so im just curious.
1 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the disprition )
Two words is my answer. In order to keep me, you have to give me. What am I?
11 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (7)
A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. Finally, she hangs him. Five minutes later they enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
26 / 3
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (6)
71.When you went into the woods you got me. You hated me yet you wanted to find me. You went home with me cause you couldn't find me What was it?
10 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (5)
Say my name and I disappear. What am I?
8 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (4)
What happens when you throw a yellow rock into a purple stream?
10 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (3)
Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?
12 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (2)
I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be whats the word?
12 / 0
What Continent Is The North Pole In?
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (1)
I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
12 / 0
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discreption )
you are in a room with no doors or windows... only a table how do you get out? ps: you can not brake down the walls there made of the strongest matereal there is
10 / 1
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription )
imagine your in a room ... no doors, windows or holes... nothing in it... how do you get out? ps: you can not brake down the walls there made of the strongest mitereal there is
16 / 0