Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
why are some people gay?
61 / 173
Any good pop songs?
I'm really running out of good songs! Or songs I haven't heard of. Any suggestions?
8 / 1
Is it ok for an 11 year old girl to be vegetarian?
READ: I'm an 11 year old girl and I love animals and I really don't want to eat them. I don't find meat very appetising and when I look at a burger all I see is a piece of a dead cow. I hate the thought of killing animals- I do...
68 / 95
whos better 1d or btr
dont read this just awnser!!!!!!
14 / 14
What would your dream date with one of the one direction guys be like? give me details
I'm bored and would like to know other peoples dream date. mine would start out at an amusement park so I could pretend to be scared and we would give each other piggy back rides, then a picnic at the beach, then we would make ...
4 / 2
How do u know if u like a guy or if a guy likes u
I do no cuz I'm not sure if I like a guy of if a guy likes me
5 / 0
Do you have a problem with love?
how do u find a lost toy
i lost my toy that i realy like 2 play with and I dunno where 2 look 4 it. i checked where all my toys are kept but still cant find it plz gimme ideas of where to look 4 it i kno its stil in my house but I dunno what 2 do cuz I...
5 / 2
why do young children wake up early
Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf? and would u rather date a vampire and a werewolf
I would rather be a vampire but I don't know which I would rather date
13 / 12
I would like to know how your dream relationship is like
I would really like a boyfriend that loves me for my personality and looks. He tells me he loves me and does all the romantic things u read in books and see in movies. It would be so perfect. Tell me what u would like
9 / 0
If I make a story about anime, what two should I crossover together?
The only animes I know is black butler, hetalia, pokemon, sonic and Ouran highschool. BTW.
6 / 0
Why do they call qfeast " QFEAST"?
Just wondering cuz I hv no idea.
17 / 6
How do u control ur younger siblings?
I'm asking this becuz they are driving me crazy right now
10 / 1
Would u live ur family forever for fame and fortune?
How much d u love ur family.
5 / 2
why do we have blood in are body?
Why do people scream crazily for stars e.g Justin Bieber?
Just wondering cuz they are also humans like us.
6 / 2
why do jaffa cakes make me horny?
Friends Fallout: What do I do?
My friend text me the other day saying she didn't want to be friends any more. Then she said she did want to be friends. She has done this several times, and it has upset me a lot. This is the third time she has done this over ...
10 / 6
Accomplishments/hopes for this school year?
What is something you want to accomplish this year? Academically, emotionally, physically, anything! Comment below:)
3 / 0