Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
I really like this guy in my class, but I don't know how to tell him. I really want to ask him out but how?
How to tell someone you like them, and how to ask them out.
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Is it okay to want a boyfriend at eleven? girls answer only please!!!!
My mom and dad go nuts when they find out I like some boy let alone want to be in a relationship! I want to know what is wrong with that! I already am becoming a woman, I have had my period and a bra, what else do I have to do?...
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which character is your favorite tdri Zoey or Mike
what character do you like comment my favorite is zoey
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Are You obsessed with The Hunger Games like me?
Yes,No or just kind of? I don't know you tell me!!
14 / 2
Which story category attracts more readers?
I wish to write another story! If you would tell me which type to write it would be very helpful!! Are paranormal stories more popular, or romantic ones or mystery or action.... Which story category attracts more readers???
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if your girlfriend(ex) told you this what would you do ?
Yes, I am incredibly cruel for saying that a period ends a sentence. I stopped calling you baby because you told me to, dipshlit. We need more than just a break. You are selfish, closed minded, ignorant, and irritating, as well...
4 / 1
What does this mean? ASAP!!!!
So this guy that I am friends with and myself were walking around together alone and the second his friends saw us walking together they started congratulating him and basically patting him on the back. Also everybody pretty mu...
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do you really know enid blyton
is an author writes books is a lady died on the 28th of november 1968
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i have a crush and i'm not sure if its love how can i tell
we met on a social media, never met but we like each other and i know some of his relatives
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Would "Mama" and "The Grudge" get along?
The Grudge movie and Mama would they get along?????
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witch are the best hedge hogs rabbits pigs or cows I DONT KNOW
yh plz I need to know realyquick
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Im a 14 year old girl and im only 5ft (152.4cm)
Okay, -sigh- You've proabaly seen this question a billion times already but I seriously need help. My mum is shorter than me. (almost 5ft) and my dad is really tall (not sure how tall but he's really tall. First of all, im...
12 / 0
Who will be number 1 in the music charts on Sunday?
Please leave the date of your comment. Thanks :)
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Wondering Some Funny Jokes
Just Comment Your Best Joke...And If I Laugh..Ill Follow You
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So Im Just Looking To See How Some Couples End Up Together..Girls Or Guys
Im Just Looking For A Story..On How You And Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Got Together..Can Be Anything..Just Looking For A Story
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What good things are there to put in a website
I need to put some interesting things in my website like a forum but is there any other nifty things i could include?
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What is the weirdest thing that you know of?
This includes youtube videos, dreams, experiences, presents, anything!
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What do you guys think?
what are your options on girls and guys being friends?
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Halloween is coming soon and my house looks really crappy! What do i do?
I spent a while putting up decorations for my house ALL BY MYSELF!!!! I love halloween but my parents don't want me to spend that much for decorations! I don't want the kids in our neiboorhood to think that i am lame, ya know! ...
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Does anybody miss old songs?
I totally miss some old songs like "This Is Halloween" from Nightmare Before Christmas or "Smile" By Uncle Kracker and other old songs! CX
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