Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What is your best April Fools Day joke you pulled on someone?
I'm wondering what you've done. I don't really do April Fools Day jokes but I do them sometimes so I'm wondering if you've done some.
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Did you play any good April Fools' Day pranks on anyone?
There were quite a few April Fools' jokes for me today...three of them I played, one I watched and one got played on me! What about you? :D
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What book/series should I read? Anything I love all BOOKS!
I've been wanting to get my hands on something new. Just anything. I have read a lot of books but I want to see other peoples opinions!
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What should I do, im so dead! please help me!!!
so there's this girl who is sort of my friend but not really and she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend and I are quite good friends and he's been kind of flirting with me, anyways today when his girlfriend went home he kissed m...
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Would you rather be deaf or blind?
This is a really hard question I don't know myself...l don't know probably blind cos I wouldn't be able to cope with not hearing or playing music again but then I don't know cos I love art too and I wouldn't be able to see...
23 / 6
Give me a fact about eagles!
Gimme a fact! :D *Few days later* Ugh. Any Qfeaster who says 'She means actual good facts' or somethin like that , listen to this ... IDC! ANY TYPE OF FACTS IS GOOD ENOUGH! This is suppose to be a fun question , not using it ...
10 / 10
Who are Hollypaw's, Lionpaw's, Jaypaw's parents?
I know, that it's either Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. or Crowfeather and Leafpool, Both show evidence leading to each side, but can someone please tell which set of cats are the true parents?
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What's the big deal?
What's the Big deal with mlp isn't that show for 2-6 year olds? X-(
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Why was my tag game reply taken down?
People have been posting up their tag game replies in story form. I got tagged and I did just that, but it was unpublished! I don't understand.
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Who Let The Smile Dogs Out?
Lol... I don't know... Who let the dogs out? Or... Who let the Smile Dogs out? BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE SMILE DOG!!! So... Who let Smile Dog out? I don't know... Jeff? Jane because she wants to be a troll? Ben because he also want...
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Who is your top 5 favorite Minecraft MOB?
mine is 1. chicken 2. slime 3. cow 4. pig 5. sheep
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How can a man go eight days without sleep?
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What Do I do When My Crush Is Dating Someone Else?
What Should You Do When Your Friend Shouts Out Your Crush Out On The Bus?!?!?!
So I told my friend my crush then she tell my other friend so they go and sit where all of my crushes friends sit and then he just yells out his name!!! And I was so mad but on another side I was a bit embarrassed!!!
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If You Could Rate The Eeveelutions Best To Least, What Would The Rating Be?
Mine Would Be: 1. Sylveon (FAV) 2.Leafeon 3.Flareon 4.Glaceon 5. Vaporeon 6. Jolteon 7. Espeon 8. Umbreon (Least Fav)
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what is your favorite part of frozen?
what is your favorite part of frozen please tell me :D
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What was your favorite Sonic the Hedgehog game and why?
I want to know what your favorite sonic game is :3 pweaze tell meh the reason~
10 / 7
Whats another word for....?
Ok so me and my mom HATE the word (Viginal) discharge, and we've been trying to come up with a word we could use instead of discharge. What word could you think of?
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Why is it that boyfriends are annoying?
my recent boyfriend doesn't let me do somethings he is ever jealous and it is annoying so much. he thinks that if he prevents me from talking to other dudes i won't break with him. what can i do and i love him though he annoyin...
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