kellygirl2's Stories

kellygirl2 published 12 stories
Alaska was rescued from the Norton pound in 2011. She was just one year old then. In 2012 she met Tugger a 2 year old Husky. In 2013 they had puppies, the rest will unravel itself...
17 reads 11 readers 1
How to find your Leprahaun name
Since i am in the mood i want to give you a bit of a laugh. I am stumpy McTurnips!
71 reads 31 readers 29
Dog Alphabet
This is my dog A to Z. I know it of my heart and I want to share my love of the most lovely animals.
17 reads 12 readers 8 profile story
Tokyo and Monty
As I grew up I had 2 best friends but I lost them but someway somebody found them again. Sick! Sick! Sick! What sort of man would do what he did... By Liffey
19 reads 11 readers 7
Scandal is a lovely husky with bright blue eyes.He is lovely and white with a button black nose.He is bigger than an average husky but he was a puppy at heart.He had been born on the streets with 4 other pups but them and his m...
42 reads 14 readers 16
Letters from Gregory
A letter-styled love story about two lovers who are split apart after a war which asks all men to join, so the two lovers send letters to each other to satisfy their heart break. Written by Kellygirl2 & Kearahodge01
95 reads 19 readers 42
Dog stories
I come up with lots of short stories and here are the doggiest ones. Lots of them are funny Some are sad but i swear they are great.
104 reads 61 readers 23
Samson and Rusty
Well its Roxy again and these are my further adventures. I wanna tell you about a little gentleman and scruffy pup who came to me last year. They were so funny so I gave them a story.
24 reads 7 readers 12
Riley was my dog about 6 years ago. I still cannot believe he has gone. My dad will never be forgiven for what he did. If you want to read on start reading now. From Roxy
284 reads 35 readers 36
Well this is the next part to" what happens next?" So do you think Bear will have a better life than Micheal Angelo? Think again!
48 reads 8 readers 29
my most favourite songs
i will show the lyrics to all my favourite songs please dont judge the songs because its not the artists its the song
65 reads 24 readers 23
worlds cutest dogs
my favourite dogs in one story,and many chapters. look at all the adorable dogs!
74 reads 23 readers 36