District 3

District 3

Follow Neiya's life in her little town. Dealing with the struggle of being the district president's daughter, people, and the small-city lifestyle of District 3 the smallest district.

published on December 29, 20144 reads 4 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 5.
Hide and Seek!

Hide and Seek!

Lideo roam throughout the small city. Many people reconizte him. Some people clap, others chants his name, and others take pictures. But most decides to approach him for an autograph. Lideo politely pushes some people away. Lideo raises his hand signifying not to bother him. “Sorry” Lideo say with dissapointment in his voice. Lideo pushes his way through the crowd. He manages to turn into the dark ally. He takes out a black comb to comb down his hair. This brings out his neck length hair. He uses his hand to messes up his hair. He walks out of the ally. No one can tell it's him. He smiles. Lideo walks throughout the town searching for Neiya. Lideo spots a coffee shop. He enters the shop. He orders a table and is seated near a window. A waitress takes his order. “Hi, I'm Utopia! I'm here to take your order.”. Lideo takes out a card. “Take money from this. I'll take a coffe please.”. Lideo taps his fingers on the table. “An entire country looks up to me and yet my own daughter doesn't like me.” Lideo thinks to himself. Lideo receives his coffe. It's perfectly brown with a white marshmallow swirl. Lideo drinks the coffe. “Where could she be now? She normally leave clues”. He lays the coffe down onto the table. “She's the type who if she was a thief and stole from you, she would tell you.”. He places his hand on his face. “So why no note now?”. He drowns his throat with coffee. He wipes his mouth. He gets up and leaves a couple bills. “Thanks for the drink!” Lideo say with a faint smile. As he closes the door he tells Utopia “Have a nice day!”. Lideo walks around the small town once again. He looks on both side of the streets before crossing. He looks down and see a lock of green hair onto the sidewalk. He looks up and see the door to a elementary school. He buzzes the beeper. The door opens letting Lideo in.

“I haven't been in a school every since Leunpo graduated junior high”. Lideo thinks. Lideo walks to the Principle Office. Lideo encounters the principle. Lideo embarrassingly grab his own hair and begins to turn red in the cheeks. “I don't wanna sound like a bad parent but have you see a little girl whom is ya high and yee wide?”. The principle responds with hand motions. “Ya high? Yee wide?”. Lideo scratches the side of his head. “I believe she's 115 Cms and 19 KG.”. Lideo pulls down his eye leads. “Green eyes?”. The principle snaps his fingers. “She's lurking in the recess park. Please keep your child under control.”. Lideo funnily leaves the room. He goes throughout the school to get outside. He reaches the outside area and looks around. “The swings?” Lideo as he turns to the swings. “The monkey bars?” Lideo as he turns to the bars. “The slides or the jungle gym?” Lideo as he turns his attention the the entire playground. All the kids have fun at the playground. Completely unaware of Lideo. A teacher notices him and quickly pulls out her phone. She walks up to Lideo and pull his ears. “YAHOOOOOOO!” Lideo screams in funny pain. “Listen up. Your kind ain't welcome here! Get outta hear before I call the cops on you. You understand? Pedòfil!”. Lideo holds his hands up in frighten fashion. “No no! You got the wrong idea! I was looking at the children to find the girl that calls me daddy.”. The teacher gasp! “No..no! I meant it like my daughter! She's six with green hair! I promise!”. Lideo say in panic mode”. Lideo spots Neiya looking into the window of the classroom door. Lideo manages to pull away from the teacher and go to his daughter. “NEIYA!”. Lideo runs to his daughter. Neiya looks over to see her father. “Hey father.”. Lideo smiles. “You're a mess you know that.”. Neiya with out any emotion very non caring say “You look a bit worried that what's wrong?”. Lideo pats Neiya and rub her hair. “Nothing..Neiya”. Neiya turns her attention to a girl reading a romance novel in the classroom.

She sports long black hair that shines in the middle. Very thin eyebrows that's also black. Her skin is very pearl white. Her eyes sparkle black. Lideo questions his daughter. He bends down and look at the girl. “Do you know her?”. Neiya shakes his head. “Father..that's not possible. I don't have any friends.”. Lideo questions her again. “Do you know her or of her?”. Neiya rolls her head up and down. “Somewhat. I've recently encountered her today. She's very nervous and everyone mistreats her.”. Neiya face gets slightly ticked off. “I don't like to see anyone mistreated. Even the worst people deserve second chances.”. Lideo comments about the girl. “You think she's a bad person?”. Neiya pulls the grass. “No...she's an easy target. Neiya gives the sword to Lideo. “Hold this papa.”. Neiya puts her hands together and closes her eyes. “Mom. You would talk to her no matter what right?”. Neiya smiles. “Thanks for the advice mom!”. Neiya lifts the window up and squeeze her way through the hole. Lideo stays and watch to see how his daughter handle this. “This could aid my choice of my daughter or my district.”. Lideo plays close attention and Neiya begins walking to the girl.

End of Chapter 5.
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Comments (1)

Combine a bit more sentences; they seem bland. Becomes that, it's great!
on December 05, 2015