
|Stop exploiting the Earth. Stop exploiting the people.| |So you've stumbled across my blog I guess. Hi. ? I'm a deeply irresponsible person.| |She/her.|
created a story
Of Girls and Kings
The seventeen-year old is Queen. She should be happy about that, right? She's not only married but she's married to the king. The peasants, the people lower down on the hierarchy, don't have that. They don't have food, often,...
2 reads 2 readers 1
12 days ago
created a story
Moonlight and Blood
The Empire controls the whole world. It has controlled the whole world for centuries. To some, it has given unimaginable wealth and subtle yet almost complete power. To most it has given work, suffering, grief and pain. There...
2 reads 2 readers 0
on June 13
created a story
You were born dirt poor to a mother and father who loved you. You were orphaned at the age of eight because poverty is inherently precarious. Thankfully you grew up in a community that cared for you as best as they could. A com...
3 reads 3 readers 1
on May 15
created a story
A Lady on the Bus
So this is not a work of fiction. It's the true life story of a person I met and the experience I had with her. I'm sharing this so that you can keep this lady in your prayers, as she is struggling. She is a beautiful, amazing ...
1 read 1 reader 2
on May 03
created a story
The Forestwife
The kings and queens were satisfied ruling in their large palaces. They thought, falsely, that their people loved them. The people were struggling to scrape by with their poverty and their oppression. But the Forest glowed beyo...
2 reads 2 readers 1
on April 24
created a story
The Daughters of Zeus and Poseidon
An orphan girl. Forced to live and work with people who see her as less than human. Forced to sell her human dignity to get by. A pair of storm-filled eyes in a sea of overcast pupils. A bowed head in an ocean of fearful worshi...
1 read 1 reader 0
on April 19
added a new chapter to Fly Away (1)
The Green Place is so green. It's so free. It's so wild. It's more wild than I ever imagined was possible. And it's beautiful.

The Green Place is a place filled with love. Filled with so much love. Filled with more love than I even know what to do with. It's a place where love rules all. And all I have to do is drown in it.

It's a place where all those who suffered from not having enough love in their lives are filled. Where all the people who suffered are given love, given freedom, given ...
on April 02
added a new chapter to Fly Away (1)
A Clear Young Man
It's been ten years since I was a broken thirteen-year-old in that prison. It's been ten years since I was a new recruit trying to find my place in the rebellion. It's been ten years since Ari and I first realized we could die together.

It's been ten years since the communist resistance was just starting to blossom into a formidable storm of rage. It's been ten years since we were just an annoyance to the status quo. It's been ten years since they underestimated us.

It's been ten years sin...
on April 02
added a new chapter to Fly Away (1)
A Bright Promise
We drive away on another glider. This one has fake seats that we have to hide under, so that it looks like the glider is empty. Even though we're driving in the dead of night, we have to be extra cautious.

It's hot and stuffy and awkward and annoying. It hurts, and I'm still hungry, folded like a fetus beside Finn and Elsa. I count down the seconds. The seconds until I have water. The seconds until I have food. The seconds until I can get out of this car. The seconds until I'm free, properl...
on April 02
added a new chapter to Fly Away (1)
A Darkened Prison
We try to run. We take off, hand in hand, away from the wreckage of the two flyers. Across the green field. But the Harrisons glide up to us on their hoverboards and they hold us down.

Arden calls the police as we struggle in vain to get free.

And after that we are loaded into the back of a police glider. We are given collars that will knock us unconscious if we try to escape. But thankfully, besides that we are unshackled. It's a bit of dignity that I did not deserve to get.

"I'm sorry,"...
on April 02
added a new chapter to Fly Away (1)
A Harrowing Summer
It's the last day of school before the summer months start. It's a bitter day. A melancholy day. And yet the sun shines brightly and the grass is green as if nothing is wrong. And I have to pretend that nothing is wrong.

"Finally! Summer has arrived!" Arden exclaims in the shower. And I smile brightly, and hope it reaches my eyes.

"Yes!" I reply, "this is so great! Isn't it?"

"Oh absolutely! No more school for two months!"

"For two whole months. That's a nice long time."

"And I get to d...
on April 02
created a story
Fly Away (1)
Synths are designed to be the perfect companions for their owners. They are genetically engineered to be sweet, kind, loyal, agreeable, and submissive. Arden's synth Luca seems to be the perfect playmate and servant. He seems p...
0 reads 0 readers 0
on April 02
added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 20
Finally, it was time for the battle. Ryan blew his horn, loud and echoing throughout all the lands everywhere, signalling that the battle had begun. And the two great armies faced each other. And they began their final showdown. They had courage in their hearts and determination in their souls. They had resolve in their spirits. And the Yemars had selflessness in their bodies and hope in their minds.

On the side of the Uzras all the Uzras loyal to Karkion and their allies fought. There was ...
on March 10
created a story
The Gift
A young mother knows that the people who control her land will take her baby from her. This is what happens to children sometimes. The rich and powerful need a new slave that they can bend and mold to their will sometimes, on...
3 reads 3 readers 0
on March 01
created a story
The Boy with the Bow and Arrows
Robbie Hode is thirteen years old. He is hungry, he is tired, he is grief-stricken. Sherwood Forest stretches green in front of him, his little impoverished community lights a fire in his heart, and the prince's castle casts lo...
1 read 1 reader 0
on February 17
created a story
Have a Heart Day 2024
This is not a work of fiction. This is a letter I wrote to the Canadian Government for Have a Heart Day 2024. I am asking the government to stop discriminating against First Nations children, to stop giving them inadequate serv...
2 reads 2 readers 0
on February 15
added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 19
After years and years and years, finally the plans for the final battle had come to fruition. Finally, all the Yemars, living and dead, were ready for battle. They had their weapons forged in fire and they had their warriors forged in suffering and love and hope and hatred. They had their plans ready, their ranks were organized, were equal, and their hearts were courageous and resolved for the battle to come. But they couldn’t proceed without all of their warriors.

Mamon was still trapped i...
on February 02
created a story
The Damned Children
Humanity has unlocked the elixir of eternal life. The brain can be cleaned and washed back into youthfulness. The body cannot. But by transporting the brain to a younger body, one that can host it, it can continue living. T...
5 reads 4 readers 2
on January 30
created a story
Miri kissed me three days ago. Before I set out onto this journey with the blocker of my light. She told me to be brave. Be confident. Be brutal. And I'm not brave. I'm broken. But when Miri kisses me hope runs down like molten...
3 reads 3 readers 1
on January 17
created a story
Death Hangs Over Us
We are children and teenagers who have no one. Who have no shelter. Nothing but the streets and the fear and the apathy of the well-fed and sheltered. Nothing but hunger and poverty and pasts we would rather forget. But despit...
2 reads 2 readers 0
on December 31, 2023