

It was autumn and she was halfway through sixteen She was brave, she was selfless, she was the type of hero I could never be It was autumn and she was halfway through sixteen She wouldn't let them mold her into what they wanted her to be It was autumn and she was halfway through sixteen She had a coil scribbler in the pocket of her hoodie And that meant everything So she snuck onto the roof of a train And then was never seen again --- This is a story told through a collection of poems about a teenaged girl who runs away from her hometown.

published 12 days agocompleted


It's autumn

The sky is gray overcast

A lightening storm is brewing

Our POV character lies on the roof of a train

Rhythmically rocked by its movements

Hanging white-knuckled to the edge of the roof

In the pockets of her oversized sky-gray hoodie

Pressed between her and the metal car

There's a worn-edged notebook

The wind rips through her hair


Why is everything always so cold?

She hopes they haven't found her

Hopes they haven't followed her

She knows they probably have

She'll have to climb down as soon as she finds a major station

Get lost in the crowd and and hopefully lost forever

The metal coil of the cheaply-bound scribbler digs into her rib cage

She doesn't have a plan

But she has a mission

And nerves of steel
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Comments (4)

This was very beautifully written. A very poignant image of runaways, street communities, and the isolation/disconnect of society.
Does this take place in Canada? I always wondered how Canadian travellers deal with those brutal winters. Here in the States we're lucky enough to be able to just hop or hitch straight down to warmer states
It takes place in a fictional world, but is perhaps inspired by the Canadian winters I’ve grown up with. Thanks for the comment by the way, I really appreciate it!
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10 days ago
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12 days ago
I loved this so much! The style you wrote it in was amazing.
Thank you so much!!
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10 days ago
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12 days ago