I have loads of photos of the forest, but my connection is so bad. I'll just wait til I'm back in Babylon to post them

I would love to see the pics
on Tuesday

@jetblackraven I'm excited to eventually post them. I love the flatwoods and xeric hammock ecosystems. Though, it's a bit hilly for flatwoods cuz this is Florida's highlands
on Tuesday
@jetblackraven me too
on Tuesday

yes i would like to see the photos pls
on Tuesday
on Tuesday

Random dude parks his truck right next to the projects campfire and gets mad when we start blowing up cans of beans in the fire. Lolol, go park in the parking lot dumbass

@identikit it's pretty much the biggest reason I even come to these gatherings. Drunk people yelling "Texas!" followed by everyone running away from the fire is stupidly hilarious
on Tuesday
on Tuesday

I keep hearing an owl in the distance. I'd be more freaked out if they were closer, but still, hope it's not a bad omen

my friend was just telling me about how she ran over a barn owl. now THAT'S a bad omen
on Saturday
on Saturday

Now I remember why I don't really come to these things. Most of the hippies are annoying and the few street kids are too drunk to do anything. Pinky and John would've made shit fun :/ Rest in peace
on Saturday

Eeeee! Managed to score a ride to Ocala >_<
I ain't been to a gathering in a hOt minute. Now I can see some of my friends again,, well, at least the ones who are still alive
I ain't been to a gathering in a hOt minute. Now I can see some of my friends again,, well, at least the ones who are still alive

@jetblackraven it's a town in Florida, but I'm specifically referring to the Ocala National Forest
on Saturday
on Friday

Do you think raw oysters are a terrible food choice?
Well, I personally don't like seafood at all, so yes, I do think raw oysters are a terrible food choice
8 days ago
8 days ago

I wonder if Russian roulette in Russia is just call regular roulette
8 days ago

Pretty sure my eye is infected. Kewl

@Triggerdahedghog lol, thankss. My only symptom is soreness, so I'm hoping it's just an oil gland issue
12 days ago
12 days ago

I am just now finding out that it is possible to have more than one hair type. That explains why I'll drop loose strands of hair that are fine, straight and light, but also strands that are thick, wavy and dark. Thought I was tripping this whole time
13 days ago

Literally crying, it's actually warm enough for mosquitoes (I only have 40% deeeeet)

@jetblackraven I think north FL did. I had heard it snowed in Pensacola. But we were ice free down in central FL
16 days ago

@xxchild0fm0nstersxx did yall get hit by that huge ice storm a couple weeks ago? I'm only in Missouri so it's not as bad as other places.
16 days ago

@jetblackraven It's honestly conflicting, because Florida heat and mozzies are torture, but at least my joints aren't aching lol.
It's been wild how many cold days we've been getting down here this winter. I can't even imagine what it's like in the colder climates
It's been wild how many cold days we've been getting down here this winter. I can't even imagine what it's like in the colder climates
16 days ago
16 days ago