im usually a doom/gloom pessimist all time you cant fix/heal/cure/recover that im a doom/gloom pessimist you dont have/need/want to try to be nice to me
on December 28, 2021

i have a lot more to post on here finally the one thing my parents cant ground/ban/restrict me from im not restricted from this site i still have the freedom of being present/there on this site sorry for being an inactive user all the time im hardly ever an active user on here sorry for using repetitive characters/words
on December 28, 2021

im terrible at writing/giving feedback why am i so mushy on the inside/outside im terrible at writing/giving criticism why do i think/feel so powerfully/deeply/ i dont think/feel anything motivational/inspirational right now why am i so powerful/deep these are my unique/terrible thought processes i am not an expert on this site at all pls dont think/feel i know wverthing about this site i know hardly anything about this site my parents are starting to check my post every once See More in a while i tried to have a good attitude i tried to have good behaviour i didnt try to have good thoughts i didnt try to have good feelings i tried to have bad thoughts i tired to have bad feelings i had bad thoughts all along i had BAD FEELINGS ALL ALONG THIS WHOLE TIME I WAS HERE my bad thoughts were viewed/considered infectious to others my bad feelings were infectious im tried/attempted well behaved it was hard for me to be well behaved
on December 28, 2021

i quit commenting i always do destructive things here feels/thinks that noone will forgive/accept/care for me here is this a welcoming/accepting/friendly/inviting/thought/feeling/emotion-opening site
on December 28, 2021

rtrtj asked a question

i feel/think ill be banned from this site forever will i be banned/disregarded/executed...
on December 28, 2021

these posts are not about me the posts are about my followers im trying/putting effort into making it about my followers i make it about my followers i dont make it about me/myself
on December 28, 2021

im getting better at recognizing my insecurities ive gotten better at coping with my insecurities my recognition of my insecurities is slowly improving everyday im addicted to posting on here my awareness of my insecurities is getting better thanks to my followers am i ever mean to people on this site do i ever bully people on this site im not being mean to people on this site im not bullying people on this site
on December 28, 2021

rtrtj asked a question

will i quit/stop making quizzes/polls/stories/questions/pages/posts forever i seek peop...
on December 28, 2021

i do what my followers say to do i dont do what my followers say to do i try to do what my folowers tell me to do i try to not do what my followers tell me to do i try not to do what my followers say to do i try to do what my followers say to do i own up to the fact that im annoying/bug/slow down/delay i own up to the fact that i bug/abuse/torture
on December 28, 2021

please post again my followers are saying in their minds/brains please dont post/make/create quizzes/make/create stories/make/create polls this is the opposite of what my followers are saying in their mind please post again/make/create quizzes/make/create stories/make polls/make /create stories do overpost dont overpost to get my folowers to continue to follow/support/like/love me stop overposting is what my followers are saying keep overposting is what i am saying to myself, See More the total opposite of what my followers are saying stop oversentencing is what my followers are telling me keep oversentencing is what im telling myself which is the complete opposite of what my followers are telling me to do i dont do what my followers tell me do i do what my followers tell me to do
on December 28, 2021

please post again my followers are saying in their minds/brains please dont post/make/create quizzes/make/create stories/make/create polls this is the opposite of what my followers are saying in their mind please post again/make/create quizzes/make/create stories/make polls/make /create stories do overpost dont overpost to get my folowers to continue to follow/support/like/love me
on December 28, 2021

why are my questions/story/polls/quizzes so cringey my followers arent as cringey as me sorry for posting so quickly sorry for posting so slowly when i first joined
on December 28, 2021

on December 28, 2021

why is the internet so unaccepting why is the internet so warm/ unharsh why is the internet so inviting/friendly
on December 28, 2021

sorry for having doom/gloom emotions why is the internet so accepting Ultimate gloom/doom internet user ultimate gloom/doom person
on December 28, 2021

rtrtj asked a question

sorry for having doom/gloom behavour sorry for having doom/gloom attitude sorry for hav...
on December 28, 2021

sorry i dont ask that many questions on here why aare my questions popular why are my questions unpopular my questions are popular my questions are unpopular i say sorry repetitevly/constantly on this site sorry i have doom/gloom attitude soory i have doom/gloom behaviour
on December 28, 2021

rtrtj asked a question

aking questions takes too much work asking questions takes too much effortwhy do i thin...
on December 28, 2021