rtrtj's Starred Questions

rtrtj has 7 starred questions
i wanna die
should i die or not cause idk no f*cking more
7 / 5
What type of content next?
I made a youtube channel finally after a while I've had the channel for maybe 2 weeks. I do gaming videos mainly, and I only have a tablet at the moment. I also do commentary while I'm gaming in the background of of video. What...
1 / 0
What if I made a page just for typing lyics?
I wanna make a page where we just sing- Should i-?
3 / 0
Can i draw you as an anime person
Ok I’m bored and want to draw so i was wondering if anyone wants me to draw them if you do fill in the blanks Hair color: Eyes: Type of clothes (style): Color of clothes
8 / 2
Are you a gamer gal?
Most of us guys like a girl who at least knows what COD stands for. I'm-a just-a sayin, Its-a me, MADIO :D
7 / 0
i have not been on gacha for a year ;-;
mhm ;-;
4 / 0