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Latest on Qfeast - Page 2405

What would happen to you in a war?
A few questions to see if and how would you do in combat scenarios, and if you would live to see the end.
21 responses 2
HELP! club....
Help club needs helpers! Here we can ask questions about anything like studies or celebrities anything you like and others can try to help you!
0 subscribers 2 members
Louis Loves His Fans, even His biggest one, HAZZA!
I decided to make a page about how Louis loves all his fans. I think he loves Harry the most, though...
0 subscribers 1 member
My brother.
WARNING! this is a fanfiction contains y a o i, (hetalia,germanyxprussia)
114 reads 28 readers 12
How well do you know Michael Jackson
This quiz is about testing your knowledge with Michael Jackson....,,,..
2 responses 0
Are you a royal or a rebel?
Are you a royal like Apple White? Or a rebel like Raven Queen? Royal, nice and... a geek? Or popular and stylish and.... awesome?? Take the quiz to find out if your a royal or a rebel!!!
93 responses 25
what is the name of Abdul's shop
My friend is an attention seeker
Attention seekers are just like a piece of poop, they are useless and only go across the way
11 reads 10 readers 2 profile story
The official Personality quiz
Just all about you and who you truly are inside through a quiz! Love qwerty things x
31 responses 4
Close Call
A woman comes close to being assaulted by a hitchhiker. Phgvfhbjnmjhngbvfggbhnjm
43 reads 14 readers 0
who is your fav actor/singer?
ever wanted to know who you like the best find out here or just take for fun.
27 responses 5
Who has heard of the Redroots???
they are an amazing band i just saw them live and met them!!! they are soo nice i <3 them!!!!
1 / 0
Which girl is more attractive? Or are they similar?
Girl 1: Girl 2:
4 / 1
I need activities to do?
I need something to do because I'm sick of waking up and doing home schooling and either watching TV or playing on my laptop. I don't have any friends as I'm stuck with the label the girl who's Dad killed himself which I don't...
2 / 0
Bloody Head O.O
Someone fell down on the escalators at JCPenny. You will get the full description of this story that I have seen in real life by reading this story. (True Story of me, but maybe not all the details are true).
18 reads 17 readers 12
If you love chocolate, you are so awesome! So take this quiz and let's see if you get the answer of which chocolate you love the most!!! There might be some surprise!!!
25 responses 13
Who's more witty than me?
There were 4 men on a boat, there were five cigarettes, there was nothing on board to light the cigarettes, how did they manage to smoke?
4 / 0
Got time for a riddle?
I'm real when you're sleeping, I'm fake when you're not. What am I?
17 / 1
Should I be nice to him?
So I've had some rough times with the guys (they would say something mean to me or my friend and i would instinctively protect me or them). Now I want to have a good last year and I want to be friends with everyone. But it's ha...
4 / 0