
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Would You Rather?
Hello! ;D If you read the title,you'd know that this is a Would You Rather quiz! :) Have Fun,Love! ;)
183 responses 31
on November 21, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What kind of guy is perfect for you?
Ever wondered what kind of guy would be good for you to date? This quiz might help.
758 responses 93
on November 21, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What song best fits your crush situation?
This quiz will tell you what song describes your situation with your crush. Have fun!
372 responses 37
on November 20, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What is your emotion right now?
This is for people like me who don't know how they feel... Hope you enjoy this quiz! I have a lot more! THEY ARE ALL ENTERTAINING! TRY 'EM!
134 responses 37
on November 20, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What type of girl do you like ( 4 boys )
This quiz is for boys or girls that like girls. if you take this quiz dont feel offened if it says you are right for a stinky hobo. ( something like that )
165 responses 18
on November 20, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Is he in love with you?
Are you in love but he doesn't know and you don't know? This is the quiz for you because your about to find out the most difficult question to answer!
109 responses 14
on November 19, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Your Soul mate's Name.
Who your Lovers Name will be.
241 responses 32
on November 19, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Does he like me?
Does your crush like you back? Find out by taking this amazing quiz! It is quick, short, and fun!
507 responses 54
on November 19, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
r u in love
tells u if your in love or mabey your just feeling it if you dont agree with answer just comment
148 responses 34
on November 19, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Does he like you? (2)
Are you and your crush destined to be buds, a fling or GF and BF...Find out now!
205 responses 15
on November 19, 2012