LoneWolf065 - Page 59

Nickname: Denny
Age: 16
Gender: genderqueer See More▼
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on April 18, 2019
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on April 17, 2019
He's my favorite classic doctor, since John Hurt never got his own season, my dad has the scarf, and my mom and brother love Jelly Babies!!
The Fourth Doctor
The Fourth Doctor
Very bohemian. You're amusing and powerful, probably with a booming voice. When staring into the face of danger you choose to grin and further baffle it by offering some jelly babies.
on April 17, 2019
This is literally every aspect of me!! What about you?
You pull yourself off as funny and quirky, but deep down inside, you are lonely and have a dark side. You don't stick around anyone you don't like and can't trust. Close friendships are the only friendships you prefer. If anyone threatens someone you love, then basically, Run.
on April 17, 2019
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Oof David Tennant in Jessica Jones lookin' fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!
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on April 17, 2019
-Name: no one's business
-Age: 14
-Status: single and only ready to mingle with a specific person
-Height: 5'6"
-Zodiac: Pisces
-Sexual preference: pansexual
-Birthday: 3/15/2005 See More▼
on April 15, 2019
Oof today I got back from a weekend retreat and am running off of less than seven hours of sleep twice in a row
- See More▼
on April 15, 2019
uploaded a photo at Help (1)
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on April 14, 2019
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on April 14, 2019
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Oof I've now spent Valentine's Day alone for 14 years in a row
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on April 12, 2019
created a scored quiz
So You Think You Know Doctor Who?
Nerdy is the new cool, and nothing says nerdy like a timetraveling, fez wearing, allons-y-ing alien in a blue box. Nothing, that is, except maybe knowing everything about said timetraveling, fez wearing, allons-y-ing alien in b...
2 responses 0
on April 12, 2019
created a poll
Who's the best doctor from Doctor Who?
William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
10 more
4 votes 0
on April 12, 2019
Oof, yes!! Ravenclaw is hella better than Hufflepuff! *cough* Travis *cough*
Congratulations! You've been sorted into Ravenclaw! As the Sorting Hat once said...

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind."
on April 12, 2019
Whelp . . . . . anyone else?
You just go with the flow you know life is to sort to worrier about things.
on April 11, 2019
Yeetus Skaleetus!! I'm Darth Vader's sister-in-law!! Who are you?
Teia (tee-a) Amidala
Teia (tee-a) Amidala
You're a strong, kind, brave person. Like you're sister Padme, you enjoy politics, you're the ambassador of Naboo and you have a lot of control and leadership.
Interests: Reading, writing, helping people.
Weapon: Blaster.
Title: Ambassador.
on April 11, 2019
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legit I've never heard of tupac or biggie, and i've never listened to to jayz
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on April 11, 2019
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on April 11, 2019
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He's so ugly! I love him!' I relate, y'all
LoneWolf065's Photo 0
on April 11, 2019
Not Mine to Tell
Still Remus’ P.O.V.
I walked into the Great Hall and looked around for Livie. I didn’t see her, but I saw her friends and walked over to them.
“Hey,” I said. Orla looked at me.
“Hey, Lupin,” she said. “What do you want?” I shook my head.
“I’m here alone,” I said. “Do you guys know where Livie is?” Emily looked at me.
“Why?” she asked. “Did the Marauders send you to do your bidding?” I shook my head rapidly.
“N-no!” I exclaimed. “James and Sirius...
on April 09, 2019
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on April 09, 2019