LoneWolf065 - Page 58

Nickname: Denny
Age: 16
Gender: genderqueer See More▼
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so sad . . . and yet so accurate
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on May 01, 2019
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and even better . . . . he knew what had to happen in Endgame :'(
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on April 30, 2019
my choir teacher who's also my director threw an Expo marker at me, so I threw it back. I looked at my book for like two seconds and just see a shoe fly into his face
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on April 30, 2019
I'm back, y'all! I saw Endgame yesterday, and guys . . . . . . . . I CRIED!!!!! The one thing I wished was for the Peters to come back.
on April 29, 2019
Hey, y'all. I won't be on here until at least Monday after school because my Science EOC is on my computer and the school is taking them up to make sure they're charged.
on April 25, 2019
Y'all I'm bored at school. Ask me whatever ya' like!
I'm as good as I ever am, which is somewhere in between mentally insane and happy to be in a show again
on April 24, 2019
on April 24, 2019
About you:
What is your name? on here, Ashelin or Tamzin
What do you identify as (gender and sexuality)?: female, pansexual
How would you describe yourself?: musical, introvert, mentally insane
What's your biggest accomplishment? getting 8th chair gold band at TriLakes Honor Band or getting into Newsies
Favourite book/movie/TV series? Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Movie: Newsies: the Broadway Musical, TV series: Merlin
What's your dream job? actress on Broadway/touring See More▼
on April 24, 2019
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Your past life connection to water, you relate to the waves your always changing your mind and emotion you are a good peace maker and your past life tells you to keep calm and move with the waves.
on April 23, 2019
Oof, so four months ago, Jeremy Jordan posted on Instagram asking for girl names. One of my friends said what she wants to name her daughter (Clara Eloise), and *takes deep breath* HE FCKING NAMED HIS DAUGHTER CLARA ELOISE JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FREAKIN' OUT, Y'ALL!!!!
on April 23, 2019
i just walked into my science class, and the movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is paused on the screen from where the RTI class was watching it, and our teacher said we can't watch it until our EOC's are done :(( :(( :((
on April 22, 2019
So, it's Saturday, right? And I have testing going on next week, and what am I doing?
*forces smile* I'm cleaning my room while my mom plays LEGO Harry Potter!!!!!
on April 21, 2019
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How did I wake up like this?
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on April 20, 2019
Alright, y'all I need to rant
This is gonna seem stupid at first, but it has a point . . . . sort of

So I was playing this video game, and I was in the middle of a level, which are super long, and I was so close to the end I was just stuck on one part, and my dad walks in and's like "What are you doing? You need to go to bed!" And I told him I was still on the same level as earlier, but he said he didn't care, so I had to quit and lose ALL MY PROGRESS in that level, and now I'm See More▼
on April 20, 2019
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I read this and I cried
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on April 20, 2019
Oof, yeah, boi!!! Take that, Travis!!!!!
Your a Ravenclaw! Your intelligent, clever, creative, witty,and value knowledge of all kinds. Your also very accepting and even enjoy abstract knowledge. Some notable Ravencaws are Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Professer Lockhart, and me.
on April 19, 2019
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Yeetus Skeletus, bois, it was right!!!!
LoneWolf065's Photo 0
on April 18, 2019
Y'all, I auditioned for Newsies on Sunday, and we're gonna find out if we made it today, and I think my family is more worried about the results than I am lmao
on April 18, 2019
Find Her
As we walked into the Transfiguration classroom--just barely in time, might I add--Livie was still missing. I looked at Orla.
“Go on,” she said. “I’ll stay here.” I nodded and walked up to Professor McGonagall’s desk.
“Yes, Mr. Lupin?” she said as I approached. I gulped. What if she said no? It was worth a try.
“Um, I was wondering if I might be able to miss this class period,” I said quietly. She looked up at me before continuing to write on a piece of parchme...
on April 17, 2019
asked a question
What should I write about?
So, I'm working on a plotline for another story, but I'm kind of hitting a block. I want to start a NEW story, but I have no idea what to write about. Any ideas?
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on April 18, 2019
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on April 18, 2019