What is Your Hogwarts House? (3)

What is Your Hogwarts House? (3)

Are you a loyal Gryffindor? Or maybe you're a fair and true Hufflepuff. Perhaps an ambitious Slytherin? Or maybe you belong in Ravenclaw, the house for the intelligent... ~ Just for fun! ~ Made this quiz a while ago, but it was kind of cliché. So here I am, back with a new and improved quiz!

published on August 09, 201821 responses 1
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Pick a colour or shade. It doesn't have to be your favourite, just one that you're currently feeling.

Light Gray
Dark Purple
Sky Blue
Emerald Green

Do you tend to procrastinate?

Procrastination is my middle name.
More than I should, yes.
Sometimes, I just can't avoid it.
I try not to.
Please, procrastination is so old-school. I don't even hand in my work!

Which of the four main elements do you associate yourself with?


What is your favourite genre of books/movies?

Romantic Comedy
Science Fiction

Which of the following Dumbledore quotes really speaks to you?

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."
"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution."
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
"You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!"
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and
remedying it."

What would you do if your friend was being bullied?

Advise them to speak to a Professor or trusted adult
Give the bully a few good hexes and jinxes
Forget magic - fight the bully with your bare hands
Gather fellow classmates to help you show support for your friend and hopefully scare off the bully
Give the bully empty threats, but make them seem believable so they'll back off your friend
Talk to the bully rationally, and warn them that if they don't stop, you won't hesitate to inform someone or take measure into
your own hands

Someone you are't particularly fond of asks you to hang out. What do you do?

Decline and answer vaguely that you're "busy with...stuff"
Apologize and say you have something else scheduled
Flatly answer 'no' before walking away
Give a "maybe?" which really means no
Decline and provide the reasons why you don't really like them
Say yes and tough through the situation.
Say yes, then never show up.
Ask them if they're sure they really want to hang out with you

Which of the following traits do you aspire to be most?


What is the best method to get what you want?

Clever manipulation
Make your gain their gain as well
Simply asking
Hard work and patience
Using your resources, such as important people or leverage of some sort
Begging and annoying the heck out of the people until they give in

You've been falsely accused of cheating by a Professor you don't particularly like, and are currently being given a lecture. How do you react?

Wait until they're done talking to explain to them
Interrupt them and flatly say that you did not cheat
Protest while they're speaking, interrupting them every few seconds
Ask what makes them think so
Demand to see the proof they have of you cheating
Endure the lecture, then rant to your friends about it afterwards
Apologize and explain to them that there was some sort of misunderstanding

Do you believe in perfection?

No. Perfection is non-existent.
I believe that you can achieve something close to perfection, but nothing and no one can ever truly be perfect.
It depends on what your definition of perfection is.
Perhaps if you choose to believe something if perfect, it may very well turn out so.
Perfection is simply an idea people use to set goals, but it is not achieveable

What sounds the most frightening to you?

A loved one dying at your hands
Fear itself
Waking up to find you don't know who you are, and have no memories
Being trapped in an enclosed space with a creature of some sorts you are afraid of
Disappointing those who are important to you
Knowing what your future holds
Having your freedom restricted forever
Knowing the answers to everything in life
Extreme public embarrassment
The paranormal

Which of the following is an animal you can identify with strongly?

Basset Hound - loyal, affectionate, crave companionship but often do things their own way
Beagle - goal-oriented, lonely if without company for too long, loves new opportunities
Black and White Cat - talkative, active, intelligent
Black Mamba - quick, shies away from confrontation due to its nervous nature, strong force when threatened
Blackbird - mysterious, intuitive, keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely
Dolphin - intelligent, social, loyal, playful, tends to work in groups, does not enjoy routine
Field mouse - quick, witty, resourceful, adaptable, resilient
Fox terrier - loves being outside and around people, fearless, spunky, loyal, works well in teams
Great Grey Owl - strong, possess intense focus, very tolerant, good listeners, independent
Hedgehog - thrive on giving and receiving love, affectionate, anxious, overly cautious, defensive
Lynx - solitary, stealthy, quick, attentive
Magpie - misunderstood, intelligent, home-oriented, curious
Mastiff Dog - loyal, intelligent, gentle, confident
Mink - very territorial, resourceful, keen-eyed, quick-witted, ferocious
Peacock - intimidating, easily irritated, fierce, confident
Pheasant - virtuous, refined, a bit proud, care greatly for family and comfort

You'd define yourself as an...

Ambivert leaning towards extrovert
Ambivert leaning towards introvert

Which of the following qualities matter most when searching for a significant other?

Honesty - in order to keep a healthy and happy relationship, there should be no lies
Loyalty - you should be able to trust your partner
Sense of humour - it'd be a drab relationship if your partner didn't know how to crack a joke or two
Intelligence - you want someone who can challenge you mentally, or match your level of intelligence
Willingness to try new things - routine and order can become boring sometimes, and you want someone who isn't afraid to try
this new food, trend, or place
Attentiveness - your partner should care about you and your feelings
Ability to be spontaneous - who doesn't love a cute romantic gesture every now and then?
Putting equal effort into the relationship - it's important that they try just as hard as you do to make the relationship work
Similar interests - the saying "opposites attract" isn't always true, and you want someone who can chat about your likes with
Emotional maturity - you want someone who thinks before they act, and aren't looking for you to fix them
Stability - you like knowing that you'll be financially supported if something goes wrong
Independence - your partner should respect your individuality and allow the both of you to be two happy different people in a

Finally, what house would you like to be in? The Sorting Hat does take your choice into account, after all.
