The Children of the night

Meet the six children of the night! Learn their personalities, what the like and dislike!

published on June 14, 201453 reads 12 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 5.
Blossom Leaf

Blossom Leaf

Name: Blossom Leaf
Best Friend: Anyone that doesnt tease her about her glasses
Type: Earth Pony
Best Trait: She is understanding
Worst Trait: She needs everybody to like her

Blossom is a nature and animal pony. Her role-model is Fluttershy. Her garden and pen is as big as sweet apple acres. Blossom is very understanding of others' mistakes. Ponies make fun of her because of her glasses.Her animals are the people who really get her, besides for Zera and Twinklemoon. Her favorite pet is her black cat, twilight.
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