Okay so standing out sn't your style. You want to blend in and stay as little seen as possible. Fuss and muss just makes you blush! Stay seclusive an stay with the flow.
This house was founded by Helga Hufflepuff who valued hard workers with patience and a fair mind.The dormitories are near the basement kitchens of Hogwarts,the house is represented by a badger & the colours black & yellow.
I take you like water? this god is one of the big three. You can be well... have a temper at times. Still you have lots of friends and you are very kind.
Congratulations you can start your training now. But remember, you only have 1 life and the order are back you need to be more careful than we have ever been. Dont forget, watch out for the uniter. They can save you.
You are a Water Fairy! You are sensitive, calm and love to splash water all around. You are also very kind, generous, helpful and you would donate money to the poor!
Eos is the Ancient Greek goddess of the dawn. Some say she was a winged goddess but, others say that she rode a chariot across the sky bringing dawn with her. Her favourite animal are horses and she has two called Lampus and Phaethon.
This intelligent Pokemon is an electric Pokemon is also known as a mouse Pokemon it is very sensitive about it's tail just as u are about ur personal belongings this Pokemon is also very loyal to its friends and will defend them until it faints.