Am i girly (read description) Hi im a boy i was wondering am i girly? I LOVE pink! text alot! talk alot! love victorious and house of anubis! and always give peps nicknames! I like harvest moon games (mainly marraige and animals) and seem to be always messing with my hair and finally Im obsessed with taking pics of people o sry more play gaelic and 2 instruments and I luv talor swift songs! i say bestie and lol and brb out loud so am i anser honestly plz no hate comments!?!
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You're not girly, you just like different things. It's like me but the other way friends want me to stop hanging out with boys and being so boyish but I hate talking about make-up and shopping. I don't think you're girly either! :D
on August 06, 2012
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its ok, a teeny bit but watever! im super boyish (i enjoy hanging out w/ boys cause they don't fight over silly things like makeup!) but no one minds i've got lots of friends and i bet you have lots also!
on December 11, 2012
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An old family saying, fly like the free bird, even if you don't have wings. Meaning, just relax, and be free. Even if you don't fit in society.
on April 05, 2015
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No your not girly.if u like pink then u like pink. Taylor swift is a great artist and wants ppl to like her, and my math teacher(he is a man) says those things. And you know what, your not girly. (Unless u also wear dresses and skirts, but i bet u dont do that).
on March 18, 2013
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you are what you are, there is nothing wrong with acting like this, i have a friend who sounds like you, he's called dale, but he's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, so you're not girly, you're just a unique boy, I don't know how to put it, but there's nothin' wrong : )
on February 18, 2013
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You're not girly. You may have girly qualities to yourself but that doesn't define you. Do you know what a tomboy is? Well just in case you don't, it's a girl that has more boyish qualities about herself than girly qualities. But tomboys are still girls. So through my eyes that's kind of what you are but opposite. Does that even make any sense? If it doesn't, think of it this way: I like the color green and that's considered a boy color. But I'm a girl. I like bathroom humor and See More that's considered boyish. But I'm still a girl. Liking things that is stereotyped as a boy's interest doesn't make me a boy. And in the same way, you liking things that are considered a girl's interest doesn't make you girly. Embrace those qualities about yourself because they add to your personality and don't ever doubt yourself:)
on August 23, 2015
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Yes, your actions would match up to what society would call a 'stereotypical girl' or 'girly girl'. I think that your actions just define who you are. You don't need to slap a label on it.
on January 16, 2015
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srry i think u might be a bit girly if their was a picture of u i would have 2 see!! srry :(
on June 06, 2012
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It's not called being "girly":D Its called being "unique".<3 If ppl are being mean to you about that, just say that they're just jealous that u have lots of things u love to do and they dont cause they have no life.

and also that they can't do the things they love to do because they think they will get embarrassed but look at you, not scared of what kind of embarrassment you are getting. I do not know you but if I was your friend I would be proud of you.
on March 12, 2017
on March 12, 2017
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Who gives a f*ck. Be what you want to be. I'm tired of society judging people by their gender and the gender steriotypes
on March 13, 2016
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you are you
dont worry about label like "girly" or "tomboy"
kick ass in your high heels girl
dont worry about label like "girly" or "tomboy"
kick ass in your high heels girl
on July 14, 2015
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just because you dont follow the gender roles of your gender doesnt necessarily mean that you are more like a different gender
on July 14, 2015
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Your not girly your just different like me for example I'm a girl and I wear skinny jeans and black shirts my favorite shows are ghost asylum and ghost adventures I have mostly guy friends I play guys basketball and basically I do mostly guy things but I'm not manly
on June 14, 2015
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Well, just 'cause you like some of those things doesn't make you a girl. I mean, Knuckles goes pink when he's hyper! And he's one of the manliest characters I know, or at least the 1995 version.
on April 06, 2015
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Sounds like you are, If people put you down for this, Don't be afraid punch them (A tad bit extreme)
on September 14, 2017