What is heaven like?
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When I was young, my parents said that everyone has an angel that is making them a castle made of gold, if they're not good, the castle would break and the angel has to choose another person and start all over again
on October 01, 2013
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if it’s real i think it’s like the ancient islamic picture where there are gardens and nature and other stuff
on March 11, 2021
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Heaven is somewhere where there is peace, no fighting, everyone would be happy and they would all be singing and praying. You have to believe in the Lord Jesus that he saved us from death. Once you believe in Jesus and when the holy spirit is living inside you; you'll be happy, the holy spirit will protect you and guide you. Heaven is made of all precious things like Gold and Silver. You will have everything you want and won't have to worry about sleeping, or having to use the See More bathroom (sorry if that sounded weird). If I have to describe heaven in words, I would say heaven is Love, Peace, and you will live Eternal life meaning you will never die or age. Sorry if those didn't make sense, I tried to make them so it wouldn't look confusing :]
on March 07, 2021
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This might be a little weird but... When I dream at night, I see heaven. It is weird because it looks like fluffy clouds and you just go falling down. It is very peaceful and nobody fights. Everyone just has a great time.
on March 05, 2015
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Heaven. How do I describe my idea of Heaven? It's peaceful. It's happy. No one fights or argues. They never think about themselves, always others. Everyone knows everyone and no one is ever alone when they want a friend. There are no single best friends in heaven, because everyone is your best friend. Even if you had enemies from years ago who you hated more than anything until the day you died, they would still be your bestest friends.You can always have a laugh. No one ever See More sulks or goes in a mood and everyone has good manners. You can watch over loved ones who are missing you and praying, and even though they obviously can't hear you, say something to them to make them feel better. There are no problems in heaven. No money problems either. You just sleep on a cloud whenever you want to. But most importantly, it's a beautiful kingdom where everyone is happy and nobody can ever die.
on November 28, 2013
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Heaven is a place in the clouds wear
dead people go (if. they could go to hell...)
the dead people become angles and they fly around
praying to Jesus and God. (If you don't belive in God, your a loser!X-()
dead people go (if. they could go to hell...)
the dead people become angles and they fly around
praying to Jesus and God. (If you don't belive in God, your a loser!X-()
on October 14, 2013
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It's like a whatever you what place. Say you wanted to go on a water slide and you go on it. But you have to be good to go to heaven cuz if you muck up now YOU GO TO HELL and trust me its not pretty
on July 02, 2013
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U know heaven is full of good things and if u really think about it candy icecream cake ect. Are bad for u...
on August 27, 2012
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Heaven is surrounded by blue light. The throne shines gold. Jesus' hair is a bit short. the clouds are white without the slightest gray color in them.
on August 19, 2013
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No-one knows unless they're dead. No-one actually even knows if it exists.
on August 05, 2013
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Heaven is where no one is old and no one wears glasses. :)

on August 05, 2013
on July 12, 2013