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Latest on Qfeast - Page 2527

Do you know the 74th annual Hunger Games Tributes?
What color is Rues hair?What District is Foxface from?Well,if you think you know the answer come on in and prove it.
30 responses 8
Can you spell as good as I can?
Caaaan you? Maybe you can.. Maybe you can't, Idk find out here TAKE IT!
21 responses 8
Runaway Bride... (heart-breaking + funny + betrayal +lurv etc.)
Everyone goes blurry, slowly I push George away from me and run out of the huge hall. "KATHERINE!" ... It's time for a new start. A new place. A new life... And I'm NEVER coming back! ~Something tragic happened on Katherine's...
167 reads 24 readers 14
Does my boyfriends ex want him back after two years?
My boyfriend and I have been dating a little over 2 years now. His ex however re-added him to facebook a week agom but were off and on each others facebooks about twice throughout these two years. They were blocked than unblock...
4 / 0
are you dumb?
answer this truthfully or else it will be wrong! trust me i know when dumb is dumb
64 responses 16
Do you know 1D?
This is a test to see if you are a true Directioner. I hear girlz all zee time saying they're a Directioner just because they heard LWWY or WMYB and think Harry's cute.
33 responses 8
Does He Like You Too?
You know that feeling when you like a guy and you just want to know if he likes you too? Well, also remember that this is just a fanmade quiz so im sorry if nothing works out between you guys.
90 responses 0
Are you going to get married or not?
Take my quiz its awesome i even love it.God is so impressed ne fainted.Not kidding!
90 responses 19
What is your personality? (14)
Are you Emo, Popular,ect. Dont be upset by results i just got bored tbh.
35 responses 2
Horse Knowledge
Do you have a issue horse?? Or do you just have a horse question?? Need horsey help??? I'm here to help. Feel free to Inbox me or post on this page any horse things that you need help with and I'll do my best to help you with y...
3 subscribers 2 members
Can You Make A Story Out Of This?
Ok, So it's like a Game: Write a short story to the subject. Whoever's Is the best, I will post it and the winner's Name! I thought it would be fun! :D Character: Time Traveler Plot: Hacks Into An Important Computer Prop: An A...
5 / 2
World Wide Fund for Nature
This quiz is about World Wild Fund for Nature, (WWF). This quiz will show, if you are able enough to get the more answers as you can.
7 responses 2
famous youtubers
take this test to see how much you know about youtubers on youtube. please take my test!!
46 responses 9
what to do when school is being in just for student rights
okay so today some b!tch waited till the end off the day to say some moron stole her money and now since no one returned it my class might be cut from field day witch is tommarow so what would you do in that kind of situation ...
4 / 3
Would you survive the zombie outbreak?
This is just my take on whether or not you'd survive an outbreak, I'm probably wrong because the right answers are just what I think would be the safest idea that would keep people alive longer. Even if you do fail it doesn't m...
39 responses 8
What famous book series are you?
Is the answer to the question:Twilight,Percy Jackson,Harry Potter or The Hunger Games?Find out here!YAY!Warning:Twilight series may be taken off this.Thank you..
61 responses 19
What you should wear today
A quiz that will help you decided what you should were today which should be very help full for people who enjoy dressing up !!
69 responses 13
what ghost follows you?
animal or human what will you get its a mystery take the quiz and find out
154 responses 36
what would your band be called?
well i have a band and we cant think of a name. any ideas?our names in the band are Anna, Anna and laoise . please help. .
4 / 0