on June 25, 2019

This is what YouTube has become, 01:44:37 long ads. :((
on November 24, 2018

Newskitty added a new chapter to Warriors Flames burning, The sight of a new way, book one

Overview of Flamingkit.
Foxwing was a red rust colored queen with beetles for eyes she had a long snout and skinny limbs, she was a mother of two kits one a tom and one a she-cat. Foxwing had fell in love with the deputy Dusktooth, a handsome talented hunter with pale white fur and dark grey markings, and ended up having kits together. They originally had three kits one kit was a runt and only a few breaths into life got smashed by his brother and died. The killer kit Foxwing refused to name the kit and soon had to ...
Read Full Chapter
on November 15, 2018

on November 15, 2018

Big announcement! I am remaking my first ever warriors fanfic series! I don't know how long this will take and I am a busy person, but I am going to try to finish this project!
on November 15, 2018

Newskitty added a new chapter to Warriors Dawn and Blue

Chapter Five
Sun shone brightly over the forest making wet leaves glitter, the lake was just as bright as the sun and some cats were sunning themselves at the bay. A breeze floated through the air occasionally picking up flower petals and dropping them, new plants were thriving and enjoying good weather. The stone hollow was dry because the sun but few cats were enjoying the fair weather, most were crowded around a big ledge.
Bluepaw yawned tiredly as Ashstar tried to calm down the clan, apparently Dawn... Read Full Chapter
Bluepaw yawned tiredly as Ashstar tried to calm down the clan, apparently Dawn... Read Full Chapter
on August 04, 2018

SUPRISE!!!!! You might be wondering where on earth this MAP came from. Well, to celebrate hitting 10,000 subscribers, I wanted to do a little something to t...
on April 14, 2018