What kind of Pokemon are you? (2)

What kind of Pokemon are you? (2)

Are you curious like Pikachu? Are you confident like Charmander? Are you cheerful like Squirtle? Are you helpful like Bulbasaur? Find out now in this personality quiz!

published on June 24, 201914 responses 4
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What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite colour?
cobalt blue
crimson red
sunshine yellow
royal purple

When you go to a party, what's the first thing you do?

When you go to a party, what's the first thing you do?
Hit the dance floor and start dancing! I make more friends while dancing.
Zoom around the whole place and make friends and play games!
Stick with my friends, I don't want to make others aggressive.
Get some food and give them to my friends, and help man the games.

What do you usually do at school?

What do you usually do at school?
Help my teacher give out the homework or carry it to the staff room.
Ask like a ton of questions in class when I do not know things.
Volunteer to go up on the stage to answer questions (I LOVE PRIZES!)
Chat and play with my friends during recess.

What is your CCA at school/ hobby?

What is your CCA at school/ hobby?
Choir and Dance(any)/ singing and dancing
Red Cross, Enviromental Club and Girl/Boy Guides/ donating to drives, hanging out with my friends and family and playing with
my pet
Art, Infocomn and Robotics/ drawing, doing IQ puzzles, reading and surfing the internet
Band, Debate Club and Rugby(or any sports)/ playing sports or practising on my instruments

Do you like anyone? (as in a crush)

Do you like anyone? (as in a crush)
Too busy to think about that.
Well yeah sort of...
Nope, I have a boyfriend/girlfriend already!
Err...what is a crush?

What subjects are you good in?

What subjects are you good in?
English and my Mother Tongue (I'm good with languages)
Math and Science (its my specialty!)
PE and English (yep)
Art and Music (4life!)