DipperPinesShades's Quizzes

DipperPinesShades published 27 quizzes
What does Bill Cipher think of you?
This is to see what Bill Cipher would think of you. I made a deal with him and he forced me to make this... Khos ph!
194 responses 22
Could we be friends? (Updated!)
Would we make a perfect duo or the incredible twosome? Take this (updated) quiz to find out!
44 responses 12
Can I make you laugh? (Gravity Falls)
I want to see if I can make you laugh! The photos will be Gravity Falls so... yeah. Some questions might be combined. Like, I mean the comics are together. It will say part one if it is. Read the entire comic before you judge!
45 responses 8
What song should you try?
This will tell you what song you should try! Please, whatever song you get, try it out if you haven't!
45 responses 4
Do you know Bill Cipher? (1)
I know someone else made this quiz as well, but this is my version of it! How well do you know the crazy Bill Cipher? Take this quiz to find out!
61 responses 25
What Gravity Falls character are you? (2)
Ever wonder which character you would be in Gravity Falls? Well then take this little quiz to find out!
84 responses 23
How long would you last inside my mind?!
Wonder how long you would last inside my mind or spending a day with me? Take this quiz to find out!
62 responses 14
What Steven Universe character is it? (+50 questions!)
Basically an update on my recent one. If you pass this then you really know your Steven Universe characters! (If the characters have a last name then in their name THEY WILL have a last name.)
14 responses 1
Would Lapis Lazuli like you?
Follow up to "Would you like Lapis Lazuli?" Take this quiz to see if Lapis Lazuli would like you!
60 responses 15
Could you like Steven Universe?
Is it possible that you could like Steven Universe but you just don`t know? Take this little quiz to find out! Post what you get in the comments! Specially if you`ve never seen Steven Universe and you get that you`ll like it!
33 responses 1
What`s song is it? (Steven Universe version)
Saw something like this, except it was with songs I didn`t know so I made this one that I know that I would know. Please rate! (Includes website to go to for lyrics in explanation!)
36 responses 3
Would you like Lapis Lazuli?
P.S. I`m going to make another one if Lapis Lazuli will like you back so... I want to see if you`ll like my favorite character, Lapis Lazuli! (Sorry! Lapis Lazuli is only going to be here for the next quiz!)
34 responses 2
Can this kitty make you say "Awww!"
Can this cute kitten make you say aww? Well take this quiz to find out! Post your results in the comments section please!
40 responses 12
Would you like my kitty?
Think my kitty`s cute? Well then take this quiz to find out! I will put a collection of her cutest pictures and you got to say if that`s cute. Answer wisely...
4 responses 0 profile quiz
Steven Universe: Are you a Gem or a plain old human?
If you fail the quiz, than you are a Gem. If you don`t fail, than you are human.
69 responses 6
Steven Universe: What fusion are you?
What Steven Universe fusion are you? Find out now! Post your result in the comment section!
64 responses 10
How Well Do You Know Despicable Me 2?
Think you know Despicable Me 2? This quiz will be the judge of that! Take this quiz to find out how well you know Despicable Me 2!
21 responses 5
Can We Be Friends? (1)
Would we be good friends? Take this quiz and find out! Have fun! Put what you think in the comments section so I can do better next quiz!
46 responses 25
Could you`ve been one of my long lost friends?
I`ve had many friends that I lost over the years because my dad`s in the military. Could you be one of them? Find out now! Post your results in the comments section after the quiz!
11 responses 0 profile quiz
Some Random Stupid Quiz
I got bored, so I made this quiz. This quiz has just a bunch of funny, random stuff that magically sayz who you are. P.s., if your computer crashes because you spitted milk on it, that`s not my fault. Please, comment and rate o...
51 responses 9