xXEmo_KingXx - Page 30

To be honest I'm just on here to write you guys.

I tend to get along with everyone, just so long as you arent racist, egotystical, or generaly a douche.

Im a PROUD supporter of of See More▼
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Sesa walked in the cold night, next to Elise.

He smiled at her, then kissed her forhead.
"So... Are you ok?" He asks, smiling a little.
She sighs, clinging to his arm.
"Sesa, theres something we need to talk about." She says suddenly, smiling to herself.

"Well, thats-"
A man stepped out of the shadows, holding a gun to Sesa as he said, "Listen up. I know who you are, so theres no need to scream. Just hand me the money or you die. The bitch too."

Elise squeeked and held to Sesa tighter. ...
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
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xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 16, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Akiko's Delema
Akiko's Delema
Sesa smiled as he held Elise closely.

"I still cant believe you sold your car of all things." She says, snuggling into him.
He shrugs casually, then states, "I have enough money. A car is the least of my worries."
Akiko walked up to them, looking around like she was expecting something.

"Elise!" She calls out, quickly walking to her. "We need to talk."
Elise tilts her head, then says, "Whats-?" causing Sesa to perk up.

That was his sister.
Why were they...?

Akiko got tackled by a smal...
on May 15, 2017
Gotta go now. Bye!
bye bye
on May 15, 2017
Good bye
on May 15, 2017
on May 15, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Sesa held Elise closely, looking at her aunt.

"America? But why?" He asks, completely shooken to the core.
Her aunt shook her head.
"Unless Aio pays the bills, theres just no other way." She says, truly feeling for the young couple.

Almost as soon as he brought her home, they told her the bad news.

"But... I can help! My family's rich. Not like theyll miss it." Sesa says, getting a glare from Mr. Akito.
"We dont accept charity." He said, crossing his arms.
Sesa shook his head at his ...
on May 15, 2017
Foams at mouth*
I love this kinda pie!!!!
Sweet potato pie
Sweet potato pie
You are awesome pie lover! You love to stand out in the crowd, being different from the people around you is your thing. While you love your stable home life, you're always trying to change out elements to improve what already exists. You make sure everyone's around you is having enough fun and as you are, that's why you are the perfect party host, people live your creativity, spunk and spontaneity.
Yay! Pie!!!
on May 15, 2017
on May 15, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Sesa opened the door for her, letting her out of the car.

"This way. Close your eyes, its a surprise." He state as he's smiling to himself, leading her along the way.
She closed her eyes, feeling him put a blind fold on and lead her to wherever it was he was taking her.

"Ok, you can take the blindfold off now." He says, the smell of fresh water filling her nose.
As she takes off the blindfold, she gasps at the scene before her.

There were two trees rooted to the 'ground', of which cons...
on May 15, 2017
Hey guys. Sorry if my stories suck today, I just have a lot on my mind. Please note that tomorrow will be different.
Hello @xXEmo_KingXx
on May 15, 2017
on May 15, 2017
HEYYYYYYYYYYY @TylerWay and @xXEmo_KingXx
on May 15, 2017
Thanks guys. Always great to hear from my friends.
on May 15, 2017
Your stories are the best, don't worry about them. After all it was you who wrote them. @xXEmo_KingXx
on May 15, 2017
There is one more comment. Show ▼
on May 15, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Sesa drove up to the ratty apartment building, getting eyed from the local gang-bangers and drug dealers.

"She lives here? Man, no wonder she doesnt talk to anyone."

It wasnt exactly a bad nieghborhood, but it was bad enough to where if you left your window unlocked, you could get robbed.

Elise unlocked the door to her apartment and found her dad shuffling through the bills and his colledge work.
"Hey, Dad." She says quietly, setting her backpack on the rack. He glances up, then gives a...
on May 15, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Elise sat by herself on the roof, thinking of why she didnt give him the note.

Looking at it, she shook her head and crumbled it up.
She would never get him to date her.

"Uhm... Can I sit with you?" A sultry, familliar voice asks, making her tense and sending goosebumps down her spine.
"S-sure..." she says, curling up slightly and scooting over for Sesa.
"Nice place." He says, unpacking a lunch and biting into a sandwich. Elise didnt look him in the eye, which made him a tad nervous...
on May 15, 2017
added a new chapter to Falling For You (1)
Elise sat behind Sesa, near the front of the class.

The girl behind her wrote a note, then poked her and asked, "Hand this to Sesa."
She nods, then stops cold when she sees the heart on it.
Should she just crumble it up?
COULD she crumble it up?

She shakily pokes Sesa, whimpering as he turned around. She was so scaredhe might think she was-
He looks ather, the most gentle look in his eyes, melting her fears and worries instantly.
"From... Uh... Okata..." she says quietly, letting out a ...
on May 15, 2017
added a photo to the starred list
xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 10
on May 12, 2017
created a story
Falling For You (1)
Sesa was the most popular person in town, even for an emo. Sports car, social butterfly, caring family, friends aplenty. Then he met Elise, his polar opposite: A POS car, a single dad at his wits end, anti-social, and only her ...
80 reads 13 readers 84
on May 12, 2017
Hey guys, going to work. Be on monday! Byyyyeeee
on May 12, 2017
added a photo to the starred list
xXEmo_KingXx's Photo 0
on May 12, 2017