Sooooo......I finally stumbled into this website again. I was at home when suddenly I was like, "Hey, what was that website called again?" And so here I am....looking back at my past cringy self and realizing that I have no changed at all.....o(╥﹏╥)o

Lol, that's lovely, I seem to have fallen away from this site again. I used to be fairly local on here but now I'm a goner. Just to be clear, thanks for your comment, and friend please forgive me for the late reply. @DemonQueen
on August 15, 2019

you like tyler joseph i SEMI AUTOMATIC ly like you. haha.
on May 25, 2019
on April 22, 2019

Are you alive?
Or did you die...
Are you alive?
Or did you die...

I love that you welcomed me back and then I just went and poofed out of existence once again. I'm sorry. @What_A_Load_of_hOoEy
on August 15, 2019
on March 10, 2019