Completely Still

Completely Still

A story made by one of my friends so she asked me if I can post it on q feast. I always thought of myself as normal. I have friends, I don't chew my nails and I am not a weirdo. But at the back of my mind I knew I was not normal. Ever since I was little I was getting these terrible headaches. People said I was over reacting but they really felt like my head would explode. I never knew there was much to them until I realized that the headaches really where something special...

published on November 21, 201533 reads 7 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 5.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

I thought I could win easily, yeah... It was only later I realized that I had absolutely no idea how to make time go back again, time always came randomly back. I may as well practice my aim until time starts up again, I thought to myself. So I threw the ball that was in my hand the hardest I could, aiming at Phil, because everyone in the class knows that he's the best at dodgeball by far. I continuously threw the balls until I never missed Phil. Since I was ready, I stood like I was before, just about to throw the ball. Then again, I thought, maybe if I tried I could make time go again. I focused and just thought on how much I wanted time to be normal again. Please just... Time move again!" I said, slightly louder then I wanted it to be, even though I would be the only one hearing it anyway.

Miraculously, I started to hear sound again, meaning my method had worked. Once everyone started to move again, I threw my ball the hardest I could at Phil, who was focused on Sam so he didn't notice me even coming. It hit him straight in the thigh. "OW!" He cried. "Who threw that?" Phil asked angrily. "I did. Now go out, I hit you." I said back, with a slight smirk on my face. "Fine." He replied. And with that our team won very easily, Tristan's aim got out everyone on the other team. "Hey, where'd Owen go?" Tristan asked when we went to line up to go back to class. "Oh yeah, he left because of his injured leg, didn't you see right before the game?" Sam asked. "No I didn't, actually. Anyways, we totally wrecked the other team! You should've seen..." Tristan said, but I never ended up hearing the rest of what he had to say, it wasn't really my conversation anyway.

Mr Winston lead our class back to the classroom. "Ok everyone, go have lunch! Stay in your seats!" Mr Winston told us, even though no one really listened to the "stay in your seat" rule anyway. So once Mr Winston left, I pulled out my lunch bag, just to see what I had for lunch before I went to sit beside Claire. A mouldy sandwich, with peach jam. I sniffed it, and it smelt like rotten eggs. "Ugh" I said to myself. But what if, what if I could stop time by myself and get myself something to eat... I did make time go back to normal... I thought to myself. So, I shut my eyes, concentrated on the thought of freezing time, the thought that it would help me very much in this situation. Come on... I thought to myself, just do it! The classroom fell silent, and everything else for that matter. I wasted no time, grabbing my sweater and running down the stairs. I got outside, when I realized what I would do if time went back by itself again. Eh, I would freeze it again. I thought to myself, running to the parking lot, however I could've sworn I heard a faint voice behind me. Since I knew time was still frozen, I brushed it off as just my imagination.


When I arrived at my house, I first checked the time. It was the same as I left, 11:22:56.
I went to the pantry, and saw the mouldy bread my mom had packed me, the front of the bread looked normal, so I guessed she may have not seen the mouldy side. I checked the fridge. In it was pizza from yesterday, so I decided to warm that up in the microwave. Once the timer that didn't actually go down beeped, I ate the pizza with juice accompanied. Once I finished, I didn't want to risk time going foreword again so I left immediately. I didn't even want to think about what would happen if time went foreword by itself in a situation like this. Halfway to school, I checked the time. I breathed a small sigh of relief. Still 11:22:56. I walked into the parking lot, them into the school. It was then I remembered that I still had to finish my french homework! I ran to class, but I don't know why I would even do that if time was frozen, I could've walked. I conjuncted the rest of the french verbs, relatively easy. Devoir, être and faire were all I had to do. After what would've been 10 minutes if time was normal, I was finished. I went for a quick washroom break before starting time again. Once I was done, I walked down the hall to class. "Hey, who are you?" I heard someone say behind me. No. No. No. Was time going this whole time? Panic rising, I ran down the hall to class. However the shock was getting to high. It started to get black. I fainted.

Authors Note:
I'm sorry if this chapters a bit shorter then the last few, but I didn't really want it to drag on much. Hope you are enjoying it so far :)
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Comments (3)

i feel like i mised a chapter?
on December 12, 2015
plz make more!!! I'm in suspense!!!
on November 27, 2015
on November 23, 2015