series: one way back ~ book one: test town

series: one way back ~ book one: test town

"forget" that's all i can remember from my past why would i need to forget what did i need to to forget had i already forgotten it?

published on April 17, 201514 reads 2 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.

leaving test town

Scotty took me to a kind of hotel and had me stay there there i met a pair of twin girls who worked there and where very nice all anyone new about test town was it was a mean a vicious town with monsters.  After hearing this the time came when the young man who according to the twins was named Adam.  Adam walked in and gave me an angry look turned to the twins who backed away slowly. Scotty came in saw Adam and dropped the bowl of soup.
"Scotty what is she doing here?" he pointed at me.
"she's fine she's not evil i know it"! Scotty said
"ok prove it"
"i...i......can't" he looked at me with sorry eyes.
"Scotty she can't stay unless she is locked up"
"then I'll leave" i said
"what"! Scotty said "but we have so much stuff to do that i could show you"
"i'm sorry but i have to go you have no prof that I'm not evil or a monster and i don't even know my self"! little Scotty ran to me and hugged me.  I was token to the top of land at the border and walked past the city lines hungry with no way to survive still not knowing anything about me. i stopped right out of the city and saw a small shiny thing in the sand.  I waited till Adam and the other men left and picked it up to see it was a old phone smashed but it turned on fully working i went through some of the owners information, this was important to me somehow.

                                                                                                          ~END OF BOOK ONE~
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Comments (1)

This was an awesome story! I can't wait for more! :D
on June 04, 2015