potions 1

potions 1

potions one for my page of a realistic magic school. you must only read this if you attend my school!

published on March 07, 201510 reads 4 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Week one


This will allow you to hop really high and far for two hours
  You will need:
  .dragon blood
  .9 snake skales
  .2 bat wings

  Step one: crush 9 snake skales and put in cauldron
  Step two: add dragon blood

  Step three: add bat wings and sture

     Only give this to someone who is super healthy. Each cup is worth two hours


  Will give you wisdom for one month

   You will need:
  .Pegasus feather
  .bark puppie nail
  . Shark tooth

  Step one: crush the shark tooth and bark puppie nail

  Step two: rare apart Pegasus feather to bowl then add all the other ingredients


  This will turn you into a mermaid for three hours
  You will need:
  . Fish scale
  . Shark tooth
  . Eal scale

  Step one: crush all everything

  Step two: add to cauldron

    Step three: boil for thirty minutes then stir

    Do not give to sick person
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Comments (2)

What is a tunflip blossom?
Oh something I made up :) I will explain in a plant book!
on March 08, 2015
on March 08, 2015