Forever Yours

When 16 year old,Jamie Adams invited her three best friends over for the summer,she thinks that everything will go just right.She didn't expect to fall for her best friend.She didn't expect to become a werewolf.But most of all,she didn't expect to become who she became.A role model.That when times get tough,and you take a fall,get right back up & try again.

published on May 12, 201360 reads 17 readers 1 completed
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Forever Yours
Chapter 6.


It was all of there 7th years.The 4 teens were excited.They had all turned 17 during the summer.Jamie was so happy to be going back to school.Remus,James & Sirius had many plans as well this year.Mostly pranking Snivellus and trying to get Lily Evans to date James.Jamie woke up the day after the feast.She stretched,changed and walked quickly down the steps to the Gryffindor common room to meet her boyfriend.James came down a couple minutes later and told her that Remus would be a while.Jamie nodded and decided to meet him in the Great Hall.As she reached the doors an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her towards a body.She turned in its grasp and realized who was holding her."Hello Severus."Jamie greeted her ex boyfriend."Hello Jamie.Where's your werewolf?"He asked slyly."Right here."A voice said.Severus turned and saw Remus standing there."And this werewolf would appreciate it if you kept your paws off his girlfriend."Remus added.Severus smirked at Remus and turned to Jamie."Sev-"Jamie started but was cut off when Severus leant forward and kissed her.Remus dragged him off of her."Don't touch her!"Remus growled.Then,Dumbledore walked up."Hello Mr.Snape.Mr.Lupin.Miss Adams.Is something wrong?"Dumbledore asked."Professor,Snape tried to kiss my girlfriend!"Remus said furiously.Severus looked embarassed."Mr.Snape,please don't let it happen again."Dumbledore told him.Severus nodded."Sorry,Jamie.Sorry Remus."Severus muttered.Jamie hugged him."It's okay Severus!I know you were only jealous of Remus and I."Jamie said.Severus had never been truly loved like this.He had blown his chances with Lily by calling her a mudblood.Jamie let go of him.Remus took her hand and the two started to walk away.Jamie turned and waved."Bye Sev!"She called as they entered the Great Hall.When they reached the Gryffindor table,Jamie took her seat.Remus,however,kneeled behind her.She turned and asked,"Remmy...what're you doing?"The whole Great Hall was silent for once."Jamie.We've only been together for 3 months yet I know that you are the one I am truly meant to be with....will you marry me?"Remus proposed.Everyone was silent waiting for Jamies reply."Yes!Oh my gosh YES!"Jamie cried.And Remus had the brightest smile on his face as he gave her the ring and sat down beside her.
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Comments (1)

What? If she was getting raped, why didn't they stop those animals?
on July 31, 2013