What are some rules of an Ouija board?

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Answers (2)

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Never let it spell out ZOZO three times
Don’t try to become to close to the ghost
Always take everything with a grain of salt
And yeah you can look through the planchette to see ghosts around you
And you can actually play alone (I usually do) but it’s more dangerous
Don’t ask about how they died or anything about their past life
You can ask about their name and age though or if they’re nice, just take it with a grain of salt See More▼
on March 26, 2022
never play alone
keep your fingers on the planchette
if the planchette gets moved in a figure 8 you should immediately end the session
never end a session without moving the planchette to goodbye
i think if the planchette goes across all the letters you should end the session? same with if it goes to all four corners
don't believe the board if it says it's someone you know
never invite anything into ur home!
on March 26, 2022