I'm out of help for myself, can someone help? (Read Description) I know I have given some of you great advice. Well, I don't have any advice for myself. I have a habit of thinking I don't matter, and everyone else does matter. I try to make everyone happy. It makes me sad deep down. It's leading me into depression. I am going into middle school next year and that won't help with depression. My teacher hates everyone and discourages us and says we won't ever be able to do anything. That isn't helping me with this problem. I don't want to go into depression and deal with that now. I can't help myself, so can you guys help? Please answer soon...:(
Answers (7)
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Tell on your teacher. She shouldn't have been doing that to you guys
And everyone in this world plays a part and everyone matters including you.
And everyone in this world plays a part and everyone matters including you.
on May 05, 2016
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I'm typing this as I read the Des.
You basically selfless.
You teacher must be having troubles herself, get to know her and she may just become nicer.
Okay, you're going through a time where it is hard on people. An angelic girl could become a rebel as an adolescent and she wouldn't know why. You're witnessing yourself have more hormones, in this case, mood swings. Talk to a friend or a teacher for help, and try to See More make friends with as many people in your school as possible. There's something called acting, and if you act as if everyone's your friend, you may just find that many teachers are actually nice, but their doing their jobs.
Hope this helps.
You basically selfless.
You teacher must be having troubles herself, get to know her and she may just become nicer.
Okay, you're going through a time where it is hard on people. An angelic girl could become a rebel as an adolescent and she wouldn't know why. You're witnessing yourself have more hormones, in this case, mood swings. Talk to a friend or a teacher for help, and try to See More make friends with as many people in your school as possible. There's something called acting, and if you act as if everyone's your friend, you may just find that many teachers are actually nice, but their doing their jobs.
Hope this helps.

Well, uh, you see... That would have helped me about a year ago, back in fifth grade. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm okay now, And that isn't my problem anymore. And my teacher? She was alright and kinder when she wasn't dealing with twenty kids at a time. I have way different problems now that I'm being helped out with. But, uh, thank you anyways! I highly See More appreciate that you wanted to help and gave me info I would have needed back then.
on July 27, 2015
on July 27, 2015
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DerbytheGreatandPowerful doesn't matter!?!? Those words should never be used in the same sentence! You do matter! You are an amazing writer and you have a beautiful personality and a wonderful sense of humor. You are one of the only people I actually check constantly for updates. I love reading your stories, and I know a lot of other people do too! I know I'm terrible about deeming myself no good, but I have one special person I can always turn to. He's always prepared to do See More whatever he needs to in order to make me smile. (NOT MY BF!!!) I got off topic, just remember, you are a very talented person and you are very important to the world! Never doubt that! :D
on May 30, 2014
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Relax and find something you love :) Forget your teacher, they're just upset because adulthood is crap for a lot of people. Middle school's, um...I don't know how to put it nicely...awkward. Everyone is awkward, no exceptions. I don't care who you are, you'll be a funky peanut shaped mess. Don't feel sad, do something! Find music to listen to, make music, make art, run, jump, collect cool looking bottles...I don't know, just figure out what makes you smile. No one deserves you See More but yourself. If you find yourself in a hole of ickiness, let someone know even if it's an internet friend or whoever will listen. Don't think of yourself as someone who doesn't matter because you don't know who you'll be in 20 years. You don't know what great things you have in front of you, who you'll affect, who you'll encourage, who you'll marry and be happy with (if so you choose), what you'll do, who you'll become...it's sooooooooooo much to think about and daydream on.

Omg, that's a lot of help! If anything I'm looking forward to middle school, but I don't know. Do you mind if I ask you some "What If" questions? I don't wanna waste your time by asking. Just a bunch of silly questions, but you seem like a person to get help from with all that!
on March 20, 2014
on March 17, 2014
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I feel fine most of the time. This doesn't bother me until I get into school. Then I come home and still have this feeling for the rest of the day. (Just so you know)
on March 15, 2014
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It's sweet that you put everyone else before yourself :) just remember people appreciate you more than they let on and everyone here probably does too :D (am I right?)
on March 15, 2014
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Ok, I know hoqw feeling like nothing while everyone else is a star feels, but I got through it, middle school is where everyone usually starts to mature and doesn't feel so great about them selves, so everyone (for the most prt) should be in the same boat you are, as for what the teacher said, it is s supposed to be their job to teach and encourage students, I am firly certain that if the teacher is talking like that they might get fired, go talk to your principal about that one, See More that should take care of it

well, have the principal at least come in for a "visit" every few days, just to make sure...
on March 20, 2014

I think so, if not, then it's because we are all too scared to tell someone. We don't wanna think of the consequences that she'll have if she get fired or whatever. Also, what if the principal thinks we are just being mean, she'll tell my teacher, and I don't wanna think about what's happening after that...
on March 20, 2014

This teacher has been teaching for about 14 years, and the principal hasn't done anything.
on March 15, 2014
on March 15, 2014