Has anyone else signed the No Hot Pets pledge on nohotpets.ca?

Has anyone else signed the No Hot Pets pledge on nohotpets.ca?

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No but I seriously disagree with leaving pets in the car. I learned about a study where they locked a person in a car for thirty minutes without food or water and they measured his heart and breathing .
I KNOW!! My mom told me that once somebody left their 3 dogs in their car WITH NO OPEN WINDOWS!! Then, when the people came back, THE DOGS WERE DEAD! :((:((:(( HOW COULD PEOPLE BE SO CARELESS AND STUPID!!!!:((:((:((
on July 19, 2013
Yeah.I heard of something like that except a policeman put a tray of uncooked cookies into his cruiser and when he came back they were all cooked.I can't believe people would leave their pets/children in a car that is hot enough to bake cookies!
on July 19, 2013
on July 19, 2013