How to get skinnier?

How to get skinnier?

I feel like I'm fat and I really want to be skinner. I have a huge eating problem (I eat a ton) and I don't know how to stop. I went to the doctor's and they said there was nothing wrong. I think I'm a bit fat and I really want to be skinnier quick. I don't want to do something crazy, I just want to get skinnier quick in a healthy way. I also am not crazy for exercising. Any ways to help me eat less and get skinny quick?

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Answers (4)

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1. use a hairdryer to sweat.
2. use a plate or bowl different colour from your food
3. no music while eating
4. stretch your back and legs, you will grow taller and skinnier
5. fake others with makeup so you look skinny, just draw six packs using a concealer and blend it in
on August 08, 2018
if the doctors say there is nothing wrong with your weight you really should not lose any. trust me you don't want to end up like me. listen to what they say!
on June 22, 2017
i guess u should go for some dance class - dance is also like exercising but u will like it then u should eat more food in the morning and less in dinner
on April 29, 2017
It is normal to have a bit of extra body fat especially if you are still growing.
If your doctor says you are fine you probably are, but if you think something is wrong mention it at your next appointment.
on November 18, 2016