milfs's Favorite Quizzes - Page 6

milfs has 130 quizzes marked as favorite
Are you dirty minded?
Some things can be dirty without you even knowing. This quiz gives random words, which may or may not be dirty.
134 responses 33
WWFFY - Sonic, Silver and Shadow! (1)
Hello! This is my first quiz so I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it's a bit boring and rushed! I'm so excited! XD
119 responses 0
How much Patience you have left?
Answer the Quiz by picking the amount that applies to you. 1 being (Very Little), 2 Being (oh well, you glare at it or them), 3 being (its Irritating grumbles), 4 Being (I hate it), 5 (-flips table-) Add the score at the end.
114 responses 19
What phobia do you have?
Take this quiz to find out which phobia you have!!! I have two phobias!(phobia's listed; Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia, Social phobia, Aerophobia, Agoraphobia
191 responses 30
What would your Fairy Tail life be like?
Have you ever wondered, what if you were living in the Fairy Tail world? Ever thought, how would that life play out? Now you can realize that fantasy and learn what kind of Fairy Tail person you would be! (This quiz is directed...
150 responses 7
What kind of parent are you?
A quiz that gives several parental types based off the results of preferred methods of parenting.
245 responses 39
What Type Of Guy Would Date You?
What guy would fall head over heels in love with the beautiful person you are? Find out right now what type a guy finds your true personality so amazing. :) enjoy!
197 responses 48
What type of guy would be best for you to date?
Take this quiz and figure out the type of guy that would be the most compatible with your interests and personality. Girls only sorry!
44 responses 8
Which Disney Descendants Character are You?
Now we’re wondering which villain descendant you would be—are you an independent leader like Mal or athletic and charming like Jay? Do you face your fears like Carlos, or have a knack for creativity like Evie?
139 responses 48
What is your favorite color? (1)
With these questions, I bet I could guess what your fav is! Choices of Blue, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Purple, green, and other.
37 responses 13
A original Wolfie game! (Warning: RP ahead, long guiz taking!)
Oh no! Dr. Whiskers, the evil cat-like creature has reversed everything! Now, Qfeast is corrupted! There are clones of all Qfeasters! Its up to me, Wolfie to solve this chaos! ((In this quiz, you're playing as Wolfie. Help Wol...
10 responses 10 profile quiz
Which homestuck troll are you?
Time for a legitimate personality test to determine which homestuck troll you would relate to best in comparison to personality! homestuck long-running is a webcomic on, if you have not read the comic or know ...
435 responses 60
inside raven
Have you ever wondered what color raven you would be take this quiz to find out
49 responses 15
Do you really miss them?
You might think you miss someone but how do you know if you're certain? This will tell you xo
417 responses 62
What Fairy Tail character are you most like?
answer a few questions in this personality quiz to find out which character in the anime Fairy Tail that you are most like! (This is my first quiz, so sorry if its bad > _ <)
193 responses 26
What Rank Are You In A Wolf Pack?
find out if you're the Alpha, Beta, Healer, Warrior, Hunter, or an Omega in a wolf pack
474 responses 114
Sonic WWFY -part 1- The Night We Sparked
Woo-hoo! My first sonic wwfy! You are a normal human teenage girl with an older sister named Jade and a baby sister, Miku. She wakes you up in the middle in the night. They go downstairs in the basement to play some music. Then...
20 responses 6 profile quiz
which city/state should you live in
This test will show you which city/or state would be perfect for you to live in.
59 responses 16
Which one of my characters are you? (2)
These are just random handpicked characters I put in this quiz to atleast have fun with. Also, you get to see their background at the very end. The fun fact is most of these characters I made were from age 9 to the time I was n...
25 responses 5
Promises (Sonic WWFFY) 3
Last time you woke up in a weird room to find out Domanic is controling everything. You meet up with Silver and beat up and trap a zombie. Oh, and you just walked into a room where you know who the voices belong to. Enjoy! :3
91 responses 70 profile quiz