luckpup - Page 16

Hi I'm Luckpup. I'm into anime, video games, and stuff like that
. I really like to write, so please check out my work.
created a poll
what is your favorite official pokemon tier
+ 1 more
7 votes 2
on July 08, 2015
created a scored quiz
Pokemon Quiz
A basic knowledge pokemon quiz. It is fairly easy, if you play the games you shouldn't have much troubled
15 responses 1
on July 08, 2015
[YTP] Mike and The Sullster Go Three-Way With Their Company-bought Life Insurance Policy
[YTP] Mike and The Sullster Go Three-Way With Their Company-bought Life Insurance Policy
Happy Shaven Yak's Day, here's a Shaven Yak's Day special just for you One without the other dun' mean nothin' to me
on July 08, 2015
created a personality quiz
What Is Your Look? ( girls )
This quiz isn't talking about the style of clothes you wear, or how attractive you are. It's more about what people think of you when they see you. Like she's hot, or she's cute Etc. There is no best answer, peopke are attracti...
30 responses 1
on July 08, 2015
subscribed to page
Ultimate Youtubepoop page!
Do you like Youtube poops? Aren't they funny? In this page, you can post the funniest ones yet and talk about them!
4 subscribers 2 members fully opened
on July 07, 2015
added a new chapter to The Visitors
Life with "guests"
After a nighf of almost no sleep I wake up, and it's time for school. I open the closet door to get some clothes. "Ah"! I scream. Dan was right there. He was standing against the wall...asleep. He's a ghost so I figured I could reach through him, but no I can't. I pushed him outbow the way, but he fell down in front of the closet. I grabbed my clothes, and went to the bathroom.
I went back in my room to get my shoes, and Dan was laying on them. I went ti lift him up, and with my luck h...
on July 07, 2015
created a poll
What's you're best trait
+ 2 more
17 votes 3
on July 07, 2015
created a story
The Visitors
A teenage girl suddenly developes the ability to see, and talk to ghosts. She learns she has several ghosts living in her house. This is part of an ongoing series to continue for a while.
13 reads 9 readers 8
on July 07, 2015
created a poll
which would you rather? 3
live to plea...
be hated by ...
fail at ever...
41 votes 7
on July 06, 2015
Someone at school once said: i wanna get pregnant so i can be on tv
Um, It doesn`t work that way. Only movie stars get on Tv.
on July 10, 2015
on July 06, 2015
on July 06, 2015
subscribed to page
The Stupidest Things
Has anyone said something so stupid that you laughed your head off? Or did they say some name of something and you had to tell them over and over how to pronounce it and they still get it wrong? Then post it here!
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on July 06, 2015
added a new chapter to Taking over
New recuit
"I'll take the job!" Alexandrine said. I was excited to finally recruit someone. "Good, the you'll be part of my gang. You can come with me to our current base." I decided to wait till later to hand out the rest of the newspapers. I seriously doubt anyone else around here was going to take my offer, and I only had a few papers left. I guided her up the rusty steps to my apartment. "Hi dear make a new friend?" Mrs. Belcher called out. I replied "Yeah, but we're really busy right now." Mrs....
on May 29, 2015
created a story
Taking over
In a post-apocalyptic world were gangs compete for authority a teenage girl decides to join the fight to become the dictator of her country. She has to build a gang, and compete against other gangs in a world full of violence, ...
8 reads 4 readers 1
on May 28, 2015
added a story to the favorite list
Make A Move
I can't write a description. That'll give away, and we both know I can't do that. Just read the story, it'll all make sense later. Creepypasta OC?: [ ] Yes, of course! What did you expect? [ ] No, I have enough for now. [✓] M...
48 reads 21 readers 14
on May 03, 2015
Returning Student Starfish Part 1
SpongeBob: "Here we are Patrick Mrs. Puffs boating school." --smiles big--
Patrick: "Wow, just the same as I remember!"
SpongeBob: "This time don't just drop out!"
Patrick: "Don't worry about me, I'll listen really carefully to the big fat meany this time."
SpongeBob: "Patrick...*sighs* her name is Mrs. Puff."
Patrick: Oh, yeah right...
--- They both enter the school--
Patrick: "Alright, up the stairs of learning!" -- proud smile --
SpongeBob: -- points to stairs on...
on May 03, 2015
created a poll
How do you feel about the idea of fanfictions?
Like them
Hate them
Love them
You don't know
+ 1 more
25 votes 2
on May 02, 2015
Imation Squid
Patchy the narrator: Here we are at the chum bucket.
Plankton: I have an Idea --grins suspiciously --
Karen: "*sarcastically* Sure honey...."
Plankton: Blah, blah, blah..... Stupid, nagging computer, I need a real woman. I bet Krabs can get a real woman!"
Karen: "You always say this! Why don't you just buy a patty".
Plankton: " I just got an idea the that actually has a chance to work!"
Karen: "Whatever!"
--Plankton walks into the Krusty Krab disguised as a r...
on May 01, 2015
subscribed to page
The 100+ Followers Page!
Do you have over 100 followers? Here is the place for everyone who does to hang out :D Become a member if you have 100+!
67 subscribers 51 members fully opened profile page
on May 01, 2015
but im fairly new
on May 01, 2015
on May 01, 2015
created a poll
Are you a bookworm
Yes ( Please...
Kind of
19 votes 5
on May 01, 2015