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on July 23, 2013
I'm taking requests for quizzes!! (read details)
If you have an idea for a quiz I shoul make let me know :) thanks guys
on June 11, 2013
created a personality quiz
Are you socially awkward?
Are you one with society or are you an introvert? Find out in this supercalifragilisticexbialadoucious quiz!
77 responses 22
on June 10, 2013
created a personality quiz
Are You mature?
This quiz will help you find out how mature you are. Are you adult like or not?
100 responses 21
on May 05, 2013
asked a question
Where can you buy felting wool?
I saw this cool craft online but I don't know where to by it. Please help! :)
2 / 2
on February 20, 2013
created a personality quiz
U mad bro? personality
The quiz to your awesome rockin hard core personality (trollerz only!)
46 responses 12
on February 18, 2013
asked a question
Where can you buy La Brasiliana Dieci?
on February 02, 2013
asked a question
Why are politicians so confusing?
I usuallly don't ask questions like this but I'm serious. See whats gonna happen is America will get all bad then everyone will move to Canada and Mexico. I obviously have no idea what im typing. :P
5 / 9
on December 29, 2012
asked a question
What are the similarities and differences of percentages and decimals?
I want to cuz of a math project. Please help me :)
1 / 1
on October 30, 2012
asked a question
Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate?
Hey GUYZ!!! What ndo u like better? dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate? Well thhats it byeza! ps I know byeza is Not a word.
30 / 36
on October 12, 2012
Pickles, zuchinsi or cucumbers?
Hey I don't really like any of them but do guys prefer pickles zuchinis or cucumbers? Random question...
on October 11, 2012
asked a question
Whats better Hershey's or M&M's?
hey guyz!!!!! I wanna know what you like better and its for a project! So plz help!!!!!
11 / 1
on September 08, 2012
asked a question
What is a hipster? I'm asking cuz idk!
on August 22, 2012
created a scored quiz
Are you really smart or do you just think you are?
This quiz will show if you are smart or if you think you are smart. (PLEASE BE HONEST!!) bte some of the questions are kinda stupid... so yeah good luck!!!
41 responses 7
on August 05, 2012
asked a question
Is avacado a fruit or a vegetable?
I seriously don't know!
13 / 9
on August 05, 2012
asked a question
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet?
I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
9 / 2
on August 02, 2012
asked a question
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet?
I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
4 / 3
on August 01, 2012
asked a question
Why is the world like this?
Like why are we on earth and why some people are so mean... And also why I'm so weird... so yeah pretty much
11 / 5
on July 12, 2012
created a personality quiz
What's Your Personality
This quiz shows what kind of person you are. Like if you're energetic, sweet, bubbly, funny, or shy.
83 responses 17
on June 14, 2012
created a personality quiz
How close are you and your friend(s)?
This quiz shows how close you and your friends are. It shows if your really close or if your actually really enemies.
88 responses 15
on June 12, 2012